Chapter 4: Finding Out and Revealing Emotions

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Jack's P.O.V

What was going on here? I go away for like 5 minutes and I come back to see Will trying to kill Damion and Jaiden trying to get him off.

Sam was passed out under a tree, oblivious to everything, and Alex was laughing at the whole thing.

"This isn't funny." I told him.

"Ha! Sure it is. I can't help that you have no sense of humor."

"I HAVE a sense of humor! YOUR the one who needs one! YOUR the bully!"

"Oh boo hoo! Cry me a river, and go drown yourself in it!"

This guy ticked me off. He was a few inches taller than me and my eyes looked straight at his chin. With his blonde hair and brown eyes he didn't look like a tough guy, but I knew that was false. Last year alone he benched pressed almost 300lbs. He didn't even look like he had that much muscle!

I, on the other hand, was a small skinny guy with curly red hair and blue eyes. On top of that I wore contacts and was as blind as a bat without them. Plus I am NOT athletic, but this guy was getting on my last nerves and I no longer cared!

He only cares about himself! I bet he has never once thought about anybody else! I am sick of it! I am sick of this guy and his careless attitude!

I reared back and punched him in the mouth, making him stagger back a little.

Holding his hand to his, now bloody, lip he glared at me, "Why you little-"

He jumped at me and knocked me over pinning me on the ground. I shut my eyes as he raised his fist to strike.


We all froze in place.

Seyth walked out of no where with Doleth behind him, as he surveyed the scene in front of him.

"Sir, are you certain that these kids can save our world? It's only been 4 hours since we ran into them and they are already going at one another." she had asked him in a hushed voice, but even so, me and Alex was still able to hear her.

"What do you mean, by save your world!?" Alex asked as he got off me and stood up.

I stood up and brushed myself off, "Well I thought it was pretty much self explanatory. They want us to save their world and be like hero's. Duh! Don't you ever read? or are you just too stupid to comprehend words?"

Alex glared at me, "Shut up dork! Or next time I will punch your eyes out!"

"Go ahead and try. You haven't been able to do it yet." I knew I was just making things worse, but he was just to concided.

"I can fix that."

He jerked at me and I flinched away, which just made him smile all smug like.

Doleth was right, none of us got along. We'd kill each other before we worked together.

Seyth sighed and shook his head, " Everyone gather around the camp fire. It's about time we told you everything you need to know, BEFORE you kill each other."

Doleth, Damion, Jaiden, and Seyth walked over to the fire leaving me, Will, Alex, and Sam behind.

"I guess we should go over there too." I said.

Alex nodded his head, "Maybe, but first I'm curious to know why Mr. cool here was attacking the silent wonder."

We both looked to Will. I had been wondering the same thing.

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