Chapter 7: A Taste of Normal

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Sams P.O.V.

Jack had filled me in with everything I had missed while I was knocked out.

It was a bit over whelming so I had asked Seyth if I could talk to him in private.

I had some more questions for him and I wanted to know more about the purple sword.

After the fight it had vanished and we haven't been able to find it again.

When morning came, Seyth and I went for a walk while the others were just starting to wake up.

We walked by a big boulder and into this little canyon looking thing.

"Seyth, Why did we get attacked last night?" I asked him as I looked up at the edge of the cliff. That was a long way up and I was willing to bet a fall from that would break a few bones.

Seyth suddenly stopped making me run into him.

He was looking up at the cliff too; his eyes squinting in the sun.

"We have long history with the canines. Its no surprise that they would attack one of our small parties." He said still looking up at the cliff.

I chuckled to my self. Like the movie 'cats vs dogs.'

"but," he looked back down to me, "I would guess that they were in the forest for the same reason as us."

"And why were you here."

"because our elder told us to come and bring home any strangers who seemed to be lost." he said before continuing to walk.

"but if your the leader, then why did you let the elder tell you what to do." I huffed, trying to catch up.

"because you are suppose to respect your elders." He said giving me a wink and a grin.

"But what if he was a jerk?" I asked.

Seyth turned back to me again his eyebrows raised. He looked like he was about to ask me a question then he stopped and and grinned at me again.

"Well." he said."Its a good thing he isn't one."

He started walking again.

We were having to climb over big rocks and we had started to go up hill.

"Our elder is very old. 130 in fact. his birthday is-"

"130!?!" I stopped and my mouth hit the ground in shock.

Seyth turned around and let out a hearty laugh at my surprised face.

"Yes 120. In a few days he'll be 131 and be the oldest creature who ever lived in Lemta. In fact, he was alive when the first person ever crossed over to our world. He was their protector or as you could say, guardian. He is also Jaiden's Great grandfather. He is the only family Jaiden has left."

I sat down on one of the rocks and stared at the ground

Seyth walked over and sat down on a rock next to me.

"So what was that sword?"

Seyth got silent and I felt like the world stopped.

I looked up at Seyth waiting for an answer.

"There was a prophecy." he started.

Of course there was. There always has to be a prophecy, I thought to myself.

"The blade of day and night, glowing bright when time is right. Needed by all, one fall. Fall from the ground, Rise from the sky, Fly with the river, War on the rise. Live to die, the blades cry."

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