Chapter 3: Seeing for the first time.

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Will's P.O.V

We stumble through the forest, tripping over ourselves as we tried to keep up with the shape shifters. They were flying through the woods at an incredible speed.

Jack was running right beside me when he hollered at them, "HEY SLOW DOWN! YOU'RE GOING TO FAST!"

My foot hit a root and I had to grab a branch for support so that I didn't fall.

The nerd was right. Even though they were still in there human forms, these guys were really fast.

Up ahead of us I saw that the leopard girl, Doleth, had stopped and was looking back at us. She said something to the other 3 and they all stopped moving.

Jack and I caught up to them inside a clearing ahead of us. A few moments later Alex ran through and bent over with his hands on his knees. "Dang. I'm really out of shape!" he huffed

I shook my head and looked around. Everyone was here, except Sam.

Jack looked around and also noticed that Sam wasn't there, "Hey guys, where's Sam?"

"Who knows. The chick is too slow. She probably had to stop and fix her hair or something." Alex said

I shook my head at him again. This guy was stupid, "I doubt she's that kind of girl and besides, your forgetting that she has major injuries. She probably collapsed somewhere. I'll walk back and see if I can find her."

I had just turned around and started to walk out of the clearing, when Sam stumbled through. She fell into the clearing hitting the ground hard while clutching her shoulder.

I moved to help her up but the jaguar boy beat me to it, "Are you alright?" He asked her as he helped her to her feet.

She nodded her head to him but then winced in pain when he let go of her arm.

He gave her a frown of disapproval and shook his head.

"Perhaps it would be easier on all of us if you young ones rode on our backs." suggested Seyth.

The other shape shifters agreed and we didn't argue, so without further delay they change into there feline animals.

The leopard woman, Doleth came up to me and I climbed on her back. Once I got situated I looked around at the others. Alex and Jack were on top of Seyth and Damion, both seeming to have problems with staying on long enough. Meanwhile, Sam was on top of jaguar boy. She had laid down and rested her head between his shoulder blades.

A fire stirred inside me. What was she doing? A few moments ago that guy was attacking her and trying to kill her! Now she is all fine and dandy, sleeping on his back! Wait, why do I care? What she does is her problem. It's not like she means anything to me. She's just some random girl I found trying to kill herself and I saved her out of self pity. I don't have any kind of feelings towards her........Right?.....

I shook my head.

I don't have time for this. Stupid thoughts lead to stupid actions. That girl is just another person, in another place, and at the same time. She means nothing.

As we quickly traveled through the forest, I kept telling myself this, but it kept getting harder and harder to believe. I barely knew the girl, but there was something about her that just made me stop thinking clearly. It ate at the edge of my mind and tore at me from the inside. What was it about that girl that made me feel this way?


Alex's P.O.V

I held on to Seyth's mane as he took off into the forest. This guy was fast!

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