Chapter 5: Lemta Pasaule "the Doomed World"

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Wills P.O.V.

I walked over with the rest of the group and sat down next to Jack, who was staring at me.

"What?" I glared back at him.

He just shook his head and looked away.

Seyth cleared his throat to begin, "Now I'm assuming that you all have many questions for me."

"Ya think?" said Alex in a rude tone as Seyth glared at him.

I rolled my eyes. This guy just didn't know when to keep his mouth shut.

As a was about to focus my attention on Seyth when I noticed Cat boy walk out from around a tree. He sat down in front of the tree next to Damion and gave me a smug look.

Seyth coughed and we all turned our attention back to him, " Now, as I was saying, you must have many questions for me and I will answer them, but first let me explain where you are."

He looked around to see If anyone had anything to say before continuing.

"Alright, Well as you can see this is not your world. Your are in Lemta Pasaule, Lemta for short. In your language it means 'doomed world'. "

Jack stirred nervously, "Why do you call it 'The doomed world'?"

Jaiden spoke up, "because that's what we are...Doomed. Everyone stuck in this world is cursed for all eternity."

Jack went pale and Damion hit Jaiden on his arm.

"Do not believe him Jack. Everyone on this planet is not doomed." assured Seyth.

"Not yet." muttered Jaiden.

Seyth gave him a look before turning back to Jack, "Our world is constantly at war. Many different wars between different races. As I've told you, we are the Feline Therianthropes and we have been at war with the Canine Therianthropes for many years. They are shape shifters like us but they shift into wolf's and dogs. Both of us has had our fair share of deaths, but none like the war between the Velni Sekotaji and the Pixies. A whole race was destroyed."

"What is a Velni Sekotaji?"

Doleth spoke up, "In your language Velni Sekotaji means The Devils Followers. You've met them before. They can be described as Evil Elf's. They look like the fairy tail creatures you humans created to be beautiful and glorious but these creatures are stupid, evil, wicked, and ugly. They killed the entire race of Pixies in 2 years. The Pixies and Fairies were very close and often lived together, so when all the Pixies died the Fairies became angry."

"Which I don't blame them, if someone killed my best friend I'd want revenge too." said Jaiden.

"The Fairies were once kind creatures but now they are pure bred assassins. If you are even some how related to a Velni they will kill you." Finished Doleth.

Jack lowered his head, "Oh.......So...How do you know so much about humans? and why are your cloths modern?"

Seyth smiled, "Believe it or not, but you are not the first humans to cross into out world. About 100 years ago a woman crossed over to our world."

Alex looked at him, "But you have clothing and supplies very modern to our time. How can someone from 100 years ago give you modern stuff?"

"Well our world moves faster in time than yours. 100 years in our world could be the equivalent to 8-10 in yours. For example, you've been here for a few hour while in your world, you have only been gone for a few seconds." said Seyth.

"So why are we here?" I asked.

"I'm not sure," said Seyth, "but if I had to guess, it has something to do with the girl, Sam. I have a feeling she has a big journey ahead of her."

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