Chapter 6: Age of War

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Sams P.O.V.

A scream rang out in the forest.

The wolf took another step from around the tree and suddenly my body could move again.

I stumbled to my feet and took off into a run.

By this time everyone was awake and getting on their feet and I ran past them as they began to realize what was happening.

Damion was on his feet in a heart beat with his bow in his hand.

He motioned me to get behind him, before unleashing arrows at the wolf an his companions, who came out of no where.

I quickly got behind him and backed up against a tree before catching my breath.

A hand touched me shoulder and I jerks around to see Doleth. She gave me a smile and handed me a knife before running off to help Damion.

I stared at the knife in my hand and began to remember the last time I held a knife.

My body started to shake and I began to panic until another hand touched the knife.

I looked up and saw Jaiden.

"What?," He asked grinning, "Don't tell me you are scared of a little knife."

I shook my head and righted my grip on the handle as he moved his hand away.

His grin widened and then he turned around and ran off with the others.

I looked around and saw that everyone was fighting, including Alex and Jack.

I took a deep breath and let it out. I couldn't be the only one not fighting. I calmed myself down and took a step forward.

The bushes behind me moved and I immediately turned around with the knife out in front of me.

Slowly a figure emerged from the woods and moved towards me. At first it was a wolf but then it slowly stood up on its back legs turning into a man in the process.

"Oh my God....Now there's werewolves." I huffed out.

The werewolf chuckled as he got closer to me.

"Stop!" I held my knife out at the werewolf.

He just grinned at me then said, "Little girl, you think I'm going to be stopped by that funny knife?"

I didn't say anything, I just glared at him.

"Alright, I'll make you a little deal with ya girly." he said, "I'm here for a fighter. Not some girl with a knife. He is suppose to have come from another. So here is the deal, Tell me which one of those boys over there match that description and we will be on our way. Well after we take him with us, but if you do that you wont have to get hurt."

He edged closer to me and I took a step back, making sure I kept my knife out in front of me.

Something nudged at my gut, like someone else was asking to take over.

I wasn't sure what it was, but it felt familiar some how.

So I let it in.

All of a sudden it felt like a power force had a hold on my soul and I glared harder at the werewolf man.

"No." I told him.


I stood a little taller and held my ground.

The werewolf man chuckled as 2 more of them walked out from the brushes.

"Little girly, You just made the worst choice of your life."

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