chapter 1

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The Dark Room

Jungkook's eyes fluttered open, his gaze met with the eerie darkness of the room. The air was thick with the stench of rot and decay. He tried to move, but his wrists and ankles were bound to the chair with rusty chains. A faint smell of mold and decay filled his nostrils, making his stomach churn.

 A faint smell of mold and decay filled his nostrils, making his stomach churn

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As he struggled to free himself, a faint noise echoed outside the room. The door creaked open, and a sliver of light pierced the darkness, illuminating the cobwebs clinging to the walls. Jungkook's heart raced, hoping against hope that someone had come to rescue him.

His older brother, Ji-hyun, entered the room, followed by their parents. Jungkook's eyes widened, expecting salvation, but their faces were twisted into cruel grins. His father's eyes gleamed with malice, while his mother's expression was devoid of any maternal love.

 His father's eyes gleamed with malice, while his mother's expression was devoid of any maternal love

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"Today's your 21st birthday, Jungkook," his father sneered, his voice dripping with venom. "Let's celebrate."

His mother chimed in, her voice dripping with false sweetness, "We brought cake for you, baby bunny."

Jungkook's eyes welled up with tears as they forced him to cut the cake and feed him. The sweetness turned bitter in his mouth, symbolizing the love and care he'd never receive from his family. He couldn't understand why they were doing this to him. All he wanted was a little love, but they made him feel worthless.

Ji-hyun, who had cut out his tongue, now handed him papers to sign. Jungkook, desperate to escape, signed away his inheritance, unknowingly giving Ji-hyun control over his shares. As he handed over the papers, they burst into evil laughter.

Jungkook's eyes pleaded with his parents for love and mercy, but they just laughed, indifferent to his fate. Ji-hyun revealed their true intentions, "We can't let you live to tell the tale."

Jungkook's heart sank, his mind racing with thoughts of escape, but his body was too weak. He felt a sense of betrayal, his own family turning against him.

With a gun to his forehead, Jungkook felt a sense of calm wash over him. He thought of all the times he'd tried to please them, to earn their love, but it was all for nothing.

"Why do they hate me so much?" he thought, tears streaming down his face.

The gun fired, and Jungkook's world went dark. He felt his life slipping away, his vision fading to black.

As he lay there, his eyes frozen open, he saw his family's faces, twisted in cruel grins. He heard their laughter, echoing in his mind, a haunting reminder of their betrayal.

Jungkook's body slumped forward, his chains rattling against the chair. His family's laughter slowly faded away, leaving only silence.

And in that silence, Jungkook's heart stopped beating, his life extinguished by the very people who were supposed to love him.

Jungkook opened his eyes, his heart pounding in his chest like a drum. His face was drenched in sweat, and his sheets were soaked with perspiration. He looked around, disoriented, and found himself in his room. The familiar walls and furniture slowly came into focus. He reached for his phone on the nightstand and saw the date: September 1st. Today was his 20th birthday.

He couldn't shake off the vivid dream he had

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He couldn't shake off the vivid dream he had. Was it a memory from his past life? He remembered his brother and parents wishing him a happy birthday, something they never did before. Ji-hyun even took him to a club to celebrate. But the dream felt so real, so vivid. He could still smell the cake, taste the sweetness, and feel the pain of their betrayal.

But this time, Jungkook knew the truth. He saw the malice in their eyes, the fake smiles. He knew they were acting, pretending to care. He remembered the feeling of being trapped, helpless, and aidless.

Ji-hyun knocked on his door, "Happy birthday, brother!" Their parents chimed in, "Happy birthday, son! Let's celebrate!" Jungkook's heart sank, his mind racing with thoughts of escape.

"Ok, hyung. Give me some time," Jungkook said, stalling for time. He needed to compose himself, to put on a mask of happiness.

As he got ready, he wore his usual baggy clothes, a habit his parents enforced. "You don't look good in skinny jeans and shirts," they would say. But Jungkook knew it was just a way to control him, to make him feel inferior.

He met Ji-hyun in the living room, who was dressed in a sleek white shirt and black jeans

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He met Ji-hyun in the living room, who was dressed in a sleek white shirt and black jeans. His brother's eyes gleamed with excitement, but Jungkook saw the malice lurking beneath.

"Let's go, we'll be late," Ji-hyun said, his voice dripping with false enthusiasm.

Jungkook nodded, his heart heavy with memories of his past life. He remembered how happy he was, how innocent. But now, he knew the truth.

As they arrived at the club, Jungkook felt a sense of déjà vu. He saw Ji-hyun's friends, the same ones who mocked him in his past life. They were all dressed in fancy clothes, sipping expensive drinks, and laughing loudly.

One of them sneered, "Jungkook, you don't even know how to dress for a club." Jungkook felt a surge of anger, but he kept his cool.

"I'm comfortable in what I'm wearing. Why do you care?" he said, his voice firm but calm.

The room fell silent, shocked by Jungkook's defiance. Ji-hyun's eyes narrowed, his anger simmering beneath the surface. But he said nothing, biding his time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.


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Hope you all love this chapter ✌🏻

Lumina love you all ❤️

This is my new book hope you all love this book love you all ❤️

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