Broken Melody

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Hello this is my first actual fan fiction. But this is not my first ever story! Please enjoy! This one is just going to be published first.


How should I say this? Maybe I could just try to be positive. I get to go to a new school! With lots of new people, people I don't know, leave my one friend behind. Maybe having to deal with bullies. Okay this 'stay positive' crap isn't working for me. Maybe this is the reason I don't have many friends. I always look at them in a negative light. Anyways back on track. I am going to a new school called Ouran Elite Private Academy. I am going on a music scholarship. Which is truly awesome. I love music. Just I don't want to go to some fancy rich school. I want to go to a good high school, but the size of this school is intimidating. The fact that also all of the students from this school are from wealthy families is also disconcerting.  Like the actual motto for this school is "Lineage counts first; wealth a close second." If that is what this school mostly cares about, to say the least, I'm royally screwed. I have no impressive lineage and I certainly don't have any wealth. I live with my two brothers for Pete's sake! But Ouran can give me a chance at a good life for my family and a chance at my dream, and a chance is all I need.

"Hey Yuki. Yuki? Yuki!"My brother snapped me out of my thoughts. Looking up Ren was waving his hand in my face. Ren is older than me but he is the second oldest. The oldest is Lucas. I live with them both in our house. Both Ren and Lucas got Dad's brown eyes and Mom's black hair, while I got Mom's purple eyes and Dad's brown Hair. Our parents died when I was twelve and in my first year in junior high, Ren was sixteen and in his second year of high school, and Lucas was twenty-three and in his last year of college. (I am going by some schools that say junior high is 3 years. 6-8 junior high.) When that happened Lucas finished college and became the 'father' of our home. He payed the bills. Currently he is working as a nurse in a pediatric office. I became almost the quote unquote mom of the house; cooking and cleaning. The cleaning Ren helped me with of course. This is how we have lived for about three years now.

"What Ren?" I asked. He just gave me a dead-panned look. Acting as if I was supposed to know something.

"This is your first year of high school! You should be excited!" Ren said with a lot of enthusiasm. I just sighed.

"I am anything but," I stated. They both went to normal high schools, not some snobby private school. Lucas and Ren laughed at my statement.

"I can perfectly understand her not wanting to go to high school. I mean we are not all social butterflies like you Ren. Also Yuki is going to a different high school than we did. Ours was normal." At least Lucas understands me. I know they are both worried about me. I mean why would he take time off work just to drive me to school on my first day if he didn't. Ren even tagged along and this was one of the few days he didn't have a class. They both are great brothers.

"You didn't have to drive me, Lucas. I could have walked. But thank you anyways. I do appreciate it," I said happily. Lucas looked in the mirror and smiled at me.

"I just want to see you off on your first day. My baby sister is growing up and I don't like it," Lucas said with sadness in his tone.

"You make it sound like I'm your daughter." With that again both Lucas and Ren laughed. The car then slowly came to a stop. Staring out the window to see my new school, I felt like my heart was in my throat. 

One thing to somewhat put my mind at ease was the ridiculousness of the building itself. I mean this isn't the first time I have seen it, I saw it when I was registering, but come on a pink school! Ren burst out laughting. Oh yeah, he's never seen the school before. I am never going to hear the end of this. Lucas turned towards me, taking in my appearance and sighed. 

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