Ballroom dancing to Matchmaking?!

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How did I ever get in this predicament? One moment I'm just doing some of my homework, the next Tamaki is dragging me away to dance. Though his joy was short lived because Kyoya quickly told him that he couldn't fill in as a female partner. Now going back to what was happening currently.

"Okay, Yuki....Let's begin....right, left...Feet together on the second 'right'," Said Kanako. I was quickly trying to process the things she was telling me. I've never danced before and this is hard for me. "Yuki, the gentelman always leads, so guide your partner," She continued. I nodded my head but I was two busy concentrating on moving.

"Right....Left...Ri'" I suddenly tripped over my feet and fell forward, landing on Kanako in the process. I noticed the predicament that I was in and used it to my advantages. I tried to sit up but Kanako wrapped her arms around my neck. I smiled a charming grin towards her. "I'm terribly sorry Ka~na~ko," I purred mentally killing myself. This is something I would never do in real life but as my stupid mysterious host character I would, I just need to repay my debt.

"It's okay, Yuki-kun," she beamed all the while I felt as if I had a two sets of eyes on us.

Haruhi's P.O.V

I continued my dancing with Hikaru as he was the first one to charge at me when I needed a dance partner. Kanako stole Yuki away from Tamaki-senpai once Kyoya made the comment that he couldn't stand in for a girl. He is just too tall. Hikaru was barely able to be my partner. I heard a thud next to us and looked over at Yuki who tripped and landed on Kanako; which she proceeded to use to her advantage. I mentally sighed. I looked up from her and saw both Kyoya and Tamaki glaring at the position, Kyoya much more subtle. Hikaru stopped dancing when Kaoru approached us.

"The lord is most depressed," stated Kaoru, grinning maniacally. Hikaru nodded.

"He thought he'd be Yuki's practice partner. As if he could be the girl while Yuki did the guy's part," Hikaru evilly grinned.

"Yeah, he also isn't to happy about us 'shady twins' dancing with his other daughter," said Kaoru.

"Geez, the Lord is pretty greedy," added Hikaru. I just deadpanned.

"Hey I don't see any problem with Tama-chan doing the girls part," Honey said. All three of us looked over at Mori doing the girls part while Honey the guys. Oh my.

"But you two, Honey and Mori, are a special case," the twins chimed.

"Yeah, I would have to agree with them senpai," I agreed.

Yuki's P.O.V

I was carrying a tray of tea over to the table that Kanako was sitting at.

"I'm sorry you got trapped dancing with a partner that knows little to nothing," I said with a self-degrading smile. She waved her hand in disagreement.

"I don't mind at all. In fact you picked it up quite fast, prince Yuki," said Kanako. Prince....Where the heck did that come from?

"Prince? Where did that come from?" I asked the question that I had originally left unvoiced.

"Oh just a nickname that a lot of the girls at this school call you, I just accidentally let it slip."

"Oh~ is that so. Well this is the first I've ever heard of it," I said.

"It's probably that most of your guests are too shy to say it,"she replied. Shy? I thought back to most of the raving lunatics who are my fans, shy isn't a word I would use for them...but who knows. "Your hosting is on hold while you practice, isn't that right? This way, I get to monopolize your time," she said.

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