An Otaku's Proposal?!

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Hello! Probably didn't expect to see me so soon, but I'm kinda free lately so since I had some time on my hands; I'll update again.


Somewhere off in France there is a lone girl sitting in her room playing a game in the dark. She is staring intently at the screen when her father steps in the room. The girl looks up from her game at him. 

"Father....I want to marry 'him'," she said wistfully pointing at the character on the screen. The father grimaces. Not wanting to hurt his daughter's feelings but not entirely wanting to give her hand to a fake character. 

"Oh..Renge. I suppose I have no objection," he chuckled out. His words, to him, not really holding that meaning. "Why don't you take a break from that game and have some tea with me," he suggested wanting to spend time with his daughter. She looked up from the game with a glare in his direction. He cast his eyes towards the floor but remembered something. "Ah! By the way, here are the photos from when I dined with my client's family from my last trip to Japan," he states handing her the photo, not realizing what he's just done. The girl grabs the photo and her eyes widen. 

That's him! That's the boy! He future husband, as well as her current delusion....

"Father...You meant what you just said right?" she questioned looking at him. He looks at her confused, not truly grasping what she was asking. He tilted his head to the side and his daughter took that as a 'yes'. And she was off, off to see her 'prince'. 

~Meanwhile in Japan...a Host Club offers their best wishes to their guests for the new year.~

This day in the host club has barely begun and I'm already tired. This kimono I was forced to wear today is annoying to walk in. It just doesn't feel right. I didn't sleep much last night as Ren was out late and I was waiting for him to return, making sure he got home safely and had eaten something. As I was worrying I forgot to do my math homework and got scolded today as well. So far nothing has really gone right. I start to walk around and look at the other tables with guests.

"Tamaki...why, oh why, are you so beautiful?" questions one of Tamaki's fans. 

"So as to be pleasing in your eyes," he replied. I sighed. All I really heard from that was 'better to see you with my dear'. I snickered in my head at that thought. Tamaki also known as the big bad host. 

"Why is your voice so...lustrous?" asked another. DON'T FALL FOR IT! THE WOLF IS GOING IN FOR THE KILL! 

"So my feelings will reach your heart," he replied. He gonna eat cha heart out! Wait...that sounds bad. 

"Your beautiful smile makes my soul rejoice!" exclaimed one girl. 'BETTER TO EAT YOU WITH MY DEAR!' I really need to stop thinking about this.... I'm going to move on so I don't venture to a stranger fantasy. I glanced over at the twins table. Girls of course were commenting on how they were matching, nothing really interesting or new. I was now growing bored so I went and joined Haruhi who was standing near Kyoya and a group of girls.

"I must say Haruhi," he looked towards Haruhi. "Yuki," he turned towards me. "You're both becoming more adept at keeping the guests entertained," he said. 

"Maybe it's the fact that our debt has slightly reduced," said Haruhi. Yeah, that is quite motivational. 

"Yes, it is quite inspiring," I added and Haruhi nodded along. Kyoya sighed. 

"Well, keep it up. And don't worry...we don't plan to charge you interest, or rental on the kimono or anything," he stated with that devilish smile of his. It's a new year, but no old account forgotten. Me and Haruhi sighed. I heard small steps coming towards our direction and looked behind me. Honey was wobbling towards me with tears in his eyes and I quickly rushed over. 

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