An Otaku's Proposal Pt.2?!

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Heyo! Here is part 2!


Previously on Ouran Highschool Host Club!~

"Simmer down milord," added the twins. Then Tamaki went back to yelling at them. While all this is going on Honey senpai went up to Renge, who for this whole time had been deep in thought.

"Renge! Renge!" She looked down at him. "Would you like some milk?" he offered her in a pink little bunny cup. AWWW look at my boy! Being all gentlemanly and offering her a drink! How cute. She reached up and I thought she was going to grab the cup, BUT SHE PINCHED HIS CHEEK. OH! OH NO! I quickly ran up and slapped her hand away from my baby! Honey quickly pulled me away from her and hid behind me and Mori senpai. DON'T YOU EVER TALK TO ME OR MY SON AGAIN!

"Tepid..." she muttered. "All of these characters are tepid, except Kyoya that is!!" she said. I felt my anger dissipate as I just fell into confusion again. What? What does she mean by characters?

Currently on Ouran Highschool Host Club~

"There's no depth, no shading, no angst!" Well we're not some show or book. We are real people you idiot. "Women love to swoon at tragic, handsome men." That's news to me. I'm not exactly wanting to swoon at someone with a sad past. I wouldn't mind helping someone if I can, but a sad past is not something I find attractive. "Without that, men are just really silly, stupid, and most of all boring!" What the heck is wrong with this woman. She just insulted all men. How is it that men apparently have to have a sad past to be interesting, but women get to be okay? "Your characters just won't do for Kyoya's shop!" How does this woman not realize that we are not characters and people of the real world. Not some game character you can bend to your will!

"This calls for major character revision! Starting with you!" she said while pointing at my baby. NOPE! My son is perfect the way he is! Leave him alone! "Being cute inside and out is too one dimensional! Now you will be cute on the outside, but a raving monster on the inside." Ohhh ho no. Leave him alone! Does she have something against my baby! I was about to go wring her neck when Mori grabbed my shoulder and shook his head no. I guess he saw that deadly look I was giving this.....ehm female dog. She then turned in our direction. 

"Mori!!" Mori's grip on my shoulder tensed. "You will hover over Mitsukuni, consumed by concern for him! When you do speak your rare lines will be profound!" I patted Mori's hand trying to comfort the poor guy who was just given a fake character that he had to pretend to be. She then moved onto the twins. 

"You two will agonize over how your similarities constrain your own individuality!! Especially in...yes, the basketball club," she said while handing Hikaru a basketball. Had she planned to do something like this all along or is she Mary Poppins? Next she turned to Haruhi. 

"Hmm. Well you're poor in wealth and family, yet a student at this school...That'll do!" I don't exactly know if she's just saying that her situation is already bad enough or that Haruhi is fine as she is. I really hope it's the second but I likely doubt it. Then she turned to me. Please save me....

"You! You appear to be a cool and mysterious boy who cares for no one but yourself! But in actuality you care for those around you the most! You just don't know how to express your feelings and wind up pushing those around you away. The only way you can truly express yourself is through your music! Poor boy you must be so lonely...." Well nice try but that's like nothing like me. I'm pretty expressive without music, I just use music to express the emotions I don't care to talk about. Finally she moved on to Tamaki.

"And Tamaki! Praised and idolized everywhere because of his appearance, he doesn't know who he truly is! The Lonely King!!"Tamaki reeled back with a shocked expression. He then leaned forward as if in thought.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2018 ⏰

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