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Brendon shudders audibly as he feels cold air brush across his exposed chest and hips as he presses the cigarette clumsily between his lips.

Ever since Patrick woke him up at 3am - three hours ago - he's been needing a cigarette badly. Especially after he's told the full story - not only has his ex-partner gone ahead and resuscitated someone, but they're Powered now, too.

Brendon's glad for the nicotine.

Dallon joins him outside a few moments later, pressing his jaw into the curve of his husband's shoulder.
"You okay?" The pyromorph purrs, pressing a gentle kiss against his shoulder, warm breath fanning against his pale bare skin. Brendon leans into the touch, letting out a gentle sigh as Dallon's arms wrap around his waist.
"Baby, if you're not okay, you need to tell me what's going on.." Dallon sighs into his ear, eyelids fluttering a little - Brendon feels his long eyelashes against his throat.
"Patrick's brought in a new telepath. Blurry won't like that and you know it."
"Fuck Blurry," Dallon laughs, breathily, kissing the side of his head, "He doesn't need to know anything. Especially about Kevin.." His voice drops to a hoarse whisper, "Or Josh."
Brendon sighs, but nods in agreement. Blurry doesn't need to know about anything. He's too unpredictable.

"Is he any good?" Dallon breaks the comfortable silence that begins after Blurry's mentioned.
"He's fine." Brendon says, slightly curtly. "He's most definitely a newbie."
Dallon grins against Brendon's skin. "You're such an asshole."
"I'm your asshole." Brendon teases, and Dallon giggles, gagging slightly.
"That's really creepy, considering that that's where your dick was last night.."
"Oh my god, Dal!" Brendon flushes bright pink, giggling into his palm, "Dallon, no!"

"Dallon no what?" The voice of part 3 of their trifecta calls out - Spencer stares over a cup of steaming hot coffee, the steam ghosting over his cheeks.
"Thanks, babe." Dallon grabs the cup from his smaller husband, grinning as Spencer flips him off. Brendon kisses him sweetly, before going on tiptoes to kiss Dallon.
Spencer swings his legs over the metal railing of their shared balcony, resting so his butt was parked on the metal but his legs swung.
"I won't catch you if you fall," Dallon warned, "Persuader or not, I'll let you die."
"That's no way to talk to your husband." He grins, kissing Dallon's hand, which has parked itself onto his shoulder.

"So, new guy. Pretty hot, eh? Bleached hair works for him, damn." Spencer smirks almost teasingly at Dallon's outraged expression.
"Spencer Smith, you're a double-married man! Keep your hands off him!"
"Nah, he's got his eyes on the Ice King." He replies, eyebrows raised.
"What, Tyler?" Dallon jokes.
"The other Ice King, Dal." Spencer implores, kicking his legs backwards and forwards, grinning.
"Patrick!?" Dallon just about chokes, and Brendon wheezes, doubling over with laughter.
"There's," breath, "no way," breath, "Patrick and," breath, "him.."
"Me and who?" Patrick's grumpy voice interrupted; the three shut up straight away.

"Uh, nobody!" The three chorused nervously.

a/n // literally just an excuse for me to shove my love for brallcer on all of you guys lmao
real stuff will (probably) come next chapter lmao

for reference -
dallon is a pyromorph, meaning he controls fire.
spencer is a persuader, meaning he can convince people to do what he wants (like a siren kinda)
brendon is an empath, meaning he can read emotions and help people feel whichever emotion he chooses (i.e sadness, anger, lust etc.)

sorry but bRALLCER OK

((gay vibes))

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