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It all takes a little getting used to.

Arguments turn to fights which result in heated makeout sessions; sharing beds becomes normalized; the intimacy of Patrick fucking him.

Pete knows it's almost too good to be true.

He wakes up naked in Patrick's bed again; his stomach is slightly sticky and there's something in his hair but he's beyond caring, because Patrick's body is pressed against his tightly, and his arms are around his waist. He stirs a little, and feels a gentle kiss on the back of his shoulder and a sleepy "Good morning, babe" from Patrick, who smiles softly into Pete's skin as he replies, "Morning sunshine".

It takes an agonizing time to get up that morning, but the pull of Sunday morning pancakes is too strong - however Patrick won't let go of him no matter how much he complains, so as a last resort he pushes back, causing Patrick to fall off the bed with a thump and a yelp of "Pete, what the fuck!?"

Eventually they untangle from sleep-drunk grasps, and quickly shower and make their way to the main dining hall.

Everyone is sat at a table and wow, Pete really didn't think there were that many Talenteds in the compound - there's a sea of them, all of different races and genders, a sea of different colored hair and skin; some have visible mutations, like the guy with huge wings; others are telepathic, as Pete hears the noise of their conversation buzz in the back of his head, or elemental, as he notices a table on fire.

Patrick's waved over by Brendon, who's sitting with Spencer, the plant boy from Pete's first excursion into the dining hall, Meagan (the pretty girl with the snake parts, yeah) and a few strangers, including a girl with blue hair and a guy with huge hawk wings folded against his back. Patrick waves to greet them all, tugging Pete through the mess of conversation to reach the table, dodging chairs and legs and people carefully.

"Hey, you're just in time." Brendon's voice holds an excited tone - like a kid about to enter a candy store - however his eyes betray him, warning them both silently of disturbing things to come. There's food on the table already, but nobody touches anything, even the hot things. They are all holding their hands and tongues, waiting for something to happen.

Dallon takes the makeshift stage, nervously smoothing down stray brunette hairs.
"Welcome, fellow Talenteds and Mutants." He smiles nervously, wiping his palms down his black slacks. "I've gathered all of you here today because I have some rather bad news." He clears his throat a little, and sighs. "How many of you have heard of a Mutant named Blurryface?"

Brendon's breath catches in his throat as he gasps; Pete feels Patrick's entire body tense as the hand that was wrapped loosely around his left one starts to sweat. "Fuck." He whispers gently, and Pete can see the pure terror glisten in his eyes - he doesn't even need to ask telepathically if he's alright.
Patrick isn't the only one; the scales on Meagan's throat bristle and Hawk Guy's wings tremble at the very mention of his name.

"For those of you who don't, Blurryface was once a human named Tyler Joseph." He swallows sadly, biting his lip softly. "Tyler developed his powers as a teenager - he was a telepath, although much more powerful than any telepath I'd ever met." His eyes downcast. "He killed my husband and even when he was brought back, it wasn't the same. Got new powers when he was revived, and now he thinks he's useless."

Brendon looks down at his fiddling hands as fifty pairs of eyes bore into him - ever since Patrick rescued him, he'd lost his weather control powers in exchange for empath powers, which certainly don't come in handy in battle.

"And now, we've recieved warning that.. well, Blurryface is explicitly planning to attack here in three days, when the moon and sun are at their highest and his powers will be at their fullest." Dallon is silent while his words soak in.

Three days?
Pete feels the familiar feeling of anxiety bubble up his throat, burning like acid. Three days is not enough time to become invincible to one of the most vicious and dangerous Mutants there is.

Pete is full of regrets, and this is very high up there.

a/n // sorry for not updating for so long ; this story is to be 15 parts in total - prologue, 13 chapters and an epilogue, and we're on chapter 12. i really don't want this story to end but all good things must come to an end, and this project has been incredibly fun to work on, but it's coming to a close, with 2 more parts left
thankyou to everyone who's commented and voted on these chapters and encouraged me to continue writing this. i nearly stopped writing this about four times but i kept going because of you guys. and i know this isn't just yet the end.. but thankyou.
i thank all of you for helping me to carry on.
thank you.

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