new account

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i took a break from wattpad and decided to make a new account

i don't plan on writing any/much bandom fan fiction anymore, but i'm DEFINITELY writing a phan au and some reader/youtuber fics - hopefully some stucky/sambucky fics later on too

my new account is @killmebucky - i don't plan on writing much more bandom fics, and i won't be transferring anything from this account over, so i will leave this account up for the sake of those still reading/wanting to read any of my oneshots or stories.

if you wanna contact me off of wattpad, my kik is wannafitemate, my snapchat is letssleepallday and my tumblr is royallysucced - if you message me on any of those, let me know you're from Wattpad and i'll totally end up messaging you back :^)

it's been real great being on this account and i'm really going to miss the friends i've made through it. i'm still writing though, still going strong, and i hope you all can understand my reasons to leave this one specifically.

this is me, signing off for the last time,

- paridoxically/Quinto 

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