73. Gran Torino

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A few miles away from the Endeavor Agency, Izuku Yagi finds his way towards a more urban area.

Regarding the internship, it was stated everyone in the hero course were to be housed at the place their heroes reside. Agencies are already prepared to house students and so were other smaller hero companies, but the deeper Yagi walked into the quiet area, he wondered if he was going to have to sleep inside a regular home then office building.

Using the GPS on his phone to find the address his father gave him, Yagi looked around, a little puzzled that he arrived at an unimpressive building, void of any activity.

This morning, his father, All Might, had given him a small brief on the history of this person.

He was a hero named Gran Torino.

He was the one who trained All Might on how to fight and from the way his father explained it, he seemed like an absolutely terrifying guy who made All Might go through rigorous training that made him throw up.

"G-Gran T-T-Torino...c'mon legs, s-stop shaking....he's a capable teacher but even now I...anyways Izuku good luck"

Putting it simply, All Might seemed to be afraid of the thought of him, and so that impression gave Izuku anxiety of who he was.

But Yagi didn't expect the place of residence to be a bit underwhelming, but he knew better than to judge. The homes of heroes didn't make the individual, it was their character. All Might and his family literally lived in an apartment; simple and uninspiring.

He gulped.

One hand held the briefcase with his hero costume, which had gone under a few upgrades, and the other held the strap of his backpack.

A great amount of pressure was felt on his shoulders.

'If this guy really trained All Might...then does that mean I have to live up to that reputation?' Yagi thought, feeling nervous without even starting his internship.

The building was much further away from the more busy areas of Japan, on the outskirts where minimal activity was seen.

It added to the feeling Yagi had of possibly not belonging there in the first place; that he wasn't ready.

But regardless of how he felt, he knew he must do this.

He had so many questions.

About his quirk and All Might.

Now that he thought of it, if All Might introduced him to this hero, does that mean Gran Torino knows about the secret of One For All?

'Alright, I'll just knock for now'

Bracing himself for an intimidating figure, Yagi walked towards the single door entrance and knocked three times.

A short silence followed, until a bit of noise was heard getting closer to the door.

Yagi pictured someone to be in the same physical caliber as his father, looking up as the door slowly opened, but was confused when no one was there.

"Down here, boy"

Yagi's eyes shot downward where he saw an older man, possibly in his 60's, looking up at him with an unsure look. He was shorter than he imagined.

The clothing he had on appeared to be a hero costume as well with a cape and sporting a yellow and white variety, but the design seemed very old fashioned.

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