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"Baby should i give massage? You have severe headache right?"
After entering into room jin saw taehyung pressing his forehead with finger. Hearing jin he felt irritated.

"Your face irritate me the most..may be YOU are the sweetest hyung for the world or base of BTS for army but you are the worst person for me." tae shouted at jin.jin just smile at taehyung 's reaction.

"Just few years back i was pig,burden, black hole,curse,just like a back dancer for the whole world... Did you forget that!?" jin said Mockingly.

"That the time i made a mistake. Still now i have to bear the consequences. I did stand beside you,encourage you,make you love yourself.i loved you as hyung.may be i did mistake but then i was just a teen ager.i didn't know what's right,what's wrong. But you took the opportunity. You misuse my Trust on you."

"No taehyung ah..." jin felt offended. "I love you so much..not as dongsaeng but as lover.

" but that time i didn't know what is love.slowly when i became mature i understand what is love.what i want in my life.i can't live a life whare i have to live in fear...!!"
Hearing that jin felt hurt but he composed Himself.
"But i never invade in your independence. You are free to do whatever you like.when few days back you were spending your leisure with jimin.. Did i say something? But it should be me you spend your time as i am YOUR boyfriend. "

"In your dreams. You imposed yourself on me.i love jimin.i am going to confess my feeling... You can't stop me!" tae pushed jin hardly making stumbling in his feet.

"But you can't do that.if you confess then i will upload our intimate moments on internet..." jin started laughing like crazy..
"It will not effect me much...as i have nothing to lose..like i not popular like you..every ship don't need me..but young army needs you as all their favourite ship surrounded by you...and i don't get so much opportunity like you,i didn't get many solo song or drama project like you..so if i do this...your Career will be finished. "
"Seokjin hyung!come quickly tae become fainted." hearing yoongi's voice jin running towards him...
"Hey..what happened how did this happen! " jin pushed jimin & took that place sitting beside jin taking his head on lap.
"Hey hyung why you pushed jimin?!jimin's hand is bleeding o my god!" yoongi screamed.
"Jimin should know his place.every knows how much tae is important to me...what does he think!!i don't know, he wants to take my place!!never ever that will happen.. Keep that in mind"

"What are you doing here?you are the reason i am in this condition.i am so much stressed cause of you." taehyung removed  jin's hand away from his hand.
"But you don't need...tae ah..until you are with me i never can do it.why are you stressing yourself.Do you have any plan to leave me then..." jin's behaviour suddenly changed from caring to aggressive. Jin held tae's jaw tightly that it left red hand print on tae's cheek.
Tae just crying on his misery.
"Where were you tae when i was hospitalized?you should be with me during my operation. "
"Manager was with you.abd your are a 29 years old man.i can't all time baby sitting you right.."

"But you can baby sit your lovely jimin right.why are you staying with him in his apartment?"
"We are doing a project together. May be you don't know but 6 members are divided into 2 groups for duet songs "
"Bts is with 7 member. Where i am? Which whom i paired with?"
"You were ill thats why you are not doing this project. "
"Ohh!" jin felt hurt very very hurt...he was again miscreated by bts.

Jin's pov :
I think i should leave bts.they always mistreated with me.my hard work was cut..i get less screen time except life goes on.Because my boyfriend was a director i got 2nd most screen time.thats why i love my taehyung  very much.he always take care of me.don't know what happed to him..why is he behaving like this.i have nothing but him.he gives me hope to go on.but in current performance he spend most of his time with jimin & tae.i went to him to get his attention but he avoided me.i thought his love for me gone but Everytime he did something that made me fell in love more harder.he tied my shoes.history repeat right!!he helped me to open the bottle.. He care for me..i will not let him go.. I will do everything for that..
Today i going to surprise my taehyungie to his apartment. I silently go inside as i know password but what i see make me shocked.my tae & that bastard jimin was kissing with so much lust.. Anyone can tell lovers kissing eachother.. So its the work they doing in the name of project!!

(JINKOOK+TAEJIN)❤️ 2nd BookWhere stories live. Discover now