Chapter Seven

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After some decent food, I felt like I could take on the world. My body felt stronger, my head felt clearer, and my soul felt more at peace. I still couldn't shake the bad feeling of something ominous looming on the horizon though.

By the time we arrived back at the compound, dawn had just broke, bathing my world in a beautiful pastel mix of blues, reds, and yellows. Seeing the sun rise over the mountainous terrain far away in the distance took my breath away, giving me much needed warmth and joy, even if it would only be briefly lived.

The dogs seemed unperturbed by their stay in the van. I hadn't realised until we climbed back into the van that we'd been in Penny's Diner more than an hour. My initial intention had been to spend no more than half an hour away from them.

"I need to walk them really, stretch their legs," I said, as Dion opened the side door of the van.

"Sure. There's plenty of room here. The inside perimeter of the compound is around fifty acres, give or take."

I raised an eyebrow. "The inside perimeter?"

"Yes. The ranch actually sits on a thousand acres. We couldn't fence all of that off. Pretty much as far as your eye can see is all our land."

"Wow. What happened? To the ranch?"

He sighed. A wistful look glazed over his eyes. "My parents died a few years ago. Unfortunately, whilst they were sick, they sold everything off, expecting the inevitable. When I came back to say my last goodbyes, all the horses and livestock were gone." He shrugged his shoulders. "Probably not a bad thing. Horses aren't my favourite animal."

I smiled despite the sadness swarming through me. I knew his grief of losing loved ones. It hurt. Nothing could ease it or take it away. Not even time. Time was merely a tool that enabled you to live with it, day by day. You never truly get over something like that.

"I'm sorry," I said, offering him the same sympathy he'd shown me.

"I got to say goodbye. That's all I cared about."

I swallowed the rising lump in my throat. What would I have said if I could have said my last goodbyes? Turning my attention to the dogs, more to distract myself than anything, I ordered them out of the van.

"I'm going to walk the dogs," I said, offering him a small smile. "Thanks for breakfast."

"Do you want some company?"

I really didn't. I wanted to get lost in my own thoughts, take some time to think things over, work out my next move. On the other hand, considering he'd saved my life, invited me into his home, and bought me breakfast, I felt rude telling him no.


I ordered the dogs to heel and followed Dion's lead. As the morning light became stronger, I took the opportunity to look at my surroundings properly in the daylight. We ambled along in a comfortable silence, mostly because I was too busy soaking in the mini world coming to life around me.

Six traditional brick red coloured barns sat at various distances apart. Trailers were scattered around in between them, some sat against the metal fencing. Various bikes gleamed back at me as the strengthening sunlight caught the chrome, almost dazzling me from the bright flashes.

Lights began turning on, doors opened, kids started laughing and screaming. A couple of muscle cars grumbled past, the drivers nodding and putting their hands up to Dion as they drove past. I watched them leave the compound, driving out through the huge gates into the vast world beyond.

"Do you all live here? Permanently?"

"Yes. We own several businesses in town, which is where some of the guys are heading, but we also do work here. Custom bike work and sometimes cage work is done here on the ranch."

Game Changer - Hell's Rejects MC Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now