Chapter Thirty Eight

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I sat, open mouthed, not really knowing what the fuck to say. I was dumbfounded, shocked, appalled, and learning new depraved depths of the mobster I'd worked for.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I don't know what to say..."

"It wasn't just once, Dion," she said, tears clouding over her blue eyes. "He subjected me to that every day for weeks. It was relentless. And what they subjected her to only got worse. It was horrendous."

A surreal feeling of numbness seeped through my body, finally switching on the lightbulb in my head. "Hence why you freaked out at Mischa. I get it now, I'm so sorry." I paused and tried to think of a gentle way to deliver my next words. "But you do understand that Mischa wanted to help you, Amelia, not hurt you."

"I don't care," she cried, her tears jumping free and spilling down her pale cheeks. "Don't you get it? It's nothing but a painful reminder of what I had to watch every day for hours on end. I had to..." she choked on a sob " my sister die like that."

I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Slim Jim decided he wanted to experiment with torture. I mean proper full on cutting, slicing, and dicing. He cut pieces of her off like she was a piece of meat. The more she screamed, the more he grinned. It was horrible. On the fifth day, he nicked her femoral artery. The blood..." she burst into tears "...I've never seen blood...spurt like that. I can't..."

She broke down, huge sobs wracking her delicate body. I couldn't help myself; I had to comfort her. In one move, I pulled her from her chair and sat her on my lap and wrapped my arms around her. She fell into me, quivering as she poured out her soul.

I knew Giovanni was one sick son of a bitch, but this was sick even by what I knew of his standards. The desire to gut him like a fish rose inside me like a tidal wave. What the fuck possesses someone to do something so disgusting?

Curious how she managed to get out, I decided to try distracting her, hoping to calm her down. "So how did things play out from there on?"

"I realised I needed to play him at his own game. I became the complicit little lamb he wanted. He started trusting me and with trust eventually came privileges like doing the weekly shop, learning about guns, being given a laptop, the dogs...he thought he'd mastered me, but he had no idea it was all a ruse. When I did the shopping, I'd get cashback and stash it away in my horse's stable. When he allowed me to ride around the grounds, I'd make a point of befriending the guards on the gate, all the while playing the happy woman. It took years but I did it. It all paid off and I got out."

"You did the right thing. It might have cost you dearly in the meantime and left you in a predicament now—" I put my hand on her stomach "—but you got out and you nearly took him down at the same time. There's hundreds of men who have dreamed of putting him down but you did it. You."

She gave me a small smile. "No, I nearly put him down. He's still alive and my soul won't rest until he's no longer breathing."

"You can't be serious, sweetheart? You've got so much more to concentrate on right now."

"How am I supposed to rest knowing he's out there, hunting me, waiting for me to slip up and make a mistake? Once the baby is born, it'll just be ten times harder. I have to do this now. For my future and the baby's."

I covered my face with my free hand and let out a long sigh. After a couple of minutes, I looked back at the determined, stubborn woman sat on my lap. "You're going to do this with or without my help, aren't you?"

She nodded and gave a small laugh.

"Then at least let me help you?"

"So long as you don't get hurt."

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⏰ Last updated: 16 hours ago ⏰

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