Chapter Twenty Nine

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I should have known that my idea of an all you can eat buffet or something similar would have been the furthest thing from Emily's mind. When she pulled into Poway Valley Center and parked outside Poway's Irish Pub, a ball of dread settled in my stomach.

Why the hell had she brought me to an Irish bar?

She grinned at me as she climbed out of the driver's seat. I wondered if Dad had any idea where she'd brought me. Knowing Emily, I guessed not.

"Em, what the hell?"

"Just trust me for once. This is your birthday present."

A cold sweat broke out all over me. "I don't want some creep drooling over me on my birthday, Emily. Just take me home, please."

Walking around the car, she pulled my door open and manhandled me out of the car. "For fucks sake, Amelia. For once in your miserable life just grow some fucking balls."

My mouth hung open at her crass words. "I want to know what I'm walking into, Emily. For all I know you've arranged some sort of gang bang as a birthday present."

Giggling, she shook her head. "I know we have different tastes in presents." She dragged me over to the green door. "I promise no one will touch you. Ok?"

I didn't get a chance to answer, nor remind her that her promises were about as worthy as the promise of safety from a terrorist. Yanking me through the door, I all but tripped up over my own feet as she dragged me towards the bar.

A bulky fair-haired man stood behind the pitted and aged wooden bar. He gave us both a wink and grinned. A shiver ran down my spine when I noticed the gaps in his teeth. A deep, silvery scar ran across one half of his neck, disappearing underneath the collar of his black shirt. His bulbous nose was crooked and looked like it had had more than its fair share of damage over the years. Whisky coloured eyes held a wild stare that reminded me of a lion.

"Chastity, 'lo gorgeous. How's it cuttin'?"

Emily smiled and leaned against the bar, pushing her arms up against her breasts. The man's eyes immediately fell to her chest, lingering just a little too long at her cleavage.

"All the better for seeing you, Sammy. How are you today?"

"Spotty dog, lovey. What can I get ye?"

My head was still reeling from the fact my sister had not only given a fake name but that she'd chosen the name Chastity. Irony at its best.

"And for ye sis here?" Sammy said, sidling along the bar to stand opposite me. "My, ye a pretty gal, ain't ye?"

The thick Irish accent wasn't too hard to follow. Living out in the sunshine state all my life had accustomed me to a wide variety of dialects, accents, and cultures.

I glanced at Emily who widened her eyes and inclined her head towards the creepy dude, urging me to humour him.


"Thank you," I said, smiling. "Just a soda for me, please."

Sammy raised an eyebrow. "Int it your birthday t'day, girlie?"

Raising all my willpower, I managed not to glare at my sister. "Yes, but I want to stay fresh for tonight. You know, need to make it through the whole day and all."

"I got ye, gal." He winked before disappearing down the bar with two glasses.

"Chastity?" I whispered, leaning into Emily's ear. "Seriously?"

She shrugged her shoulders, grinning. "Needed something I would respond to."

"Why have you given them a fake name? What the hell are we doing in here?"

Game Changer - Hell's Rejects MC Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now