Chapter 11: Just how useless are you ?

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       Huban heard about the fight and also saw the video that was posted. He was in total disbelief,not only him but every one who saw it. The video of the fight...that's if it can be called one got to the hands of the school authorities.

      They too were surprised, everyone knew Jaxon was defenseless in matters that required physical contact. So how come he suddenly beat up four students who were older than him like that. They had to summon him and also called his parent.

     Tamera and Lee were taken aback because that was the first time they had received report concerning their son. When the call came in at first, Tamera taught that her son had been bullied again but only for her to hear from the school authority that her son had beaten up four seniors.

     She quickly explained to her husband who was at his working place. She hurried off to the school to sort out the case at hand. The door opened and a woman walked into the office. She was obviously Jaxon's mother.

    Sitting across by the left sat three men and a woman with Lexi and his three friends, the men and woman were their parent. Jaxon stood opposite them. The office was large with a table at the front.

     She rushed into the office and sat down  while Jaxon went close to her. As one can imagine, Jack already left control over the body leaving Jaxon to deal with the mess he had created. One can picture Jaxon's face already.

   "Mrs Lee, you are welcome... we won't waste time here with pleasantries" The school head said.

    She pointed at the four teens. Their head were lowered in shame. "Can you see those kids ?" Tamera nodded "your son did that to them".

     "My son did this ?" Tamera was surprised,she turned to Jaxon "why would you do such ?".

    Jaxon looked up and said "They took me to bully me at the backyard like they always do but this time I decided to retaliate".

   Tamera looked at the kids "So you are the ones who he has been complaining about that are bullying him right" she faced the school head  "I don't think there's anything to discuss here again, those kids are bullies and you know it, I remember reporting them to you twice but what did you do ? Nothing , you did nothing and now that the boy has decided to take things the other way you call me here to complain about him" Tamera was furious.

   The school head avoided her eyes knowing what she said was true. Hearing this, the parents of the victims got angry. The mother of the girl who was among Lexi's group stood up " what do you mean by that, your son beat up my daughter, a girl, how dare him lay his hands on her ?" She was as red as fire.

     "Excuse you lady, a girl who doesn't know the right thing to do will end up like that". Tamera fired back.

    "Please let calm down and let sort this out" the head tried negotiating things.

    "We can't negotiate anything" Lexi's father finally lost it. "In fact there's nothing to talk about here, the boy must be arrested for physical violence" he pulled Lexi towards him "Just look at him what that brat did to him".

    "With due respect sir don't call my child a brat. I think you should be ashamed of yourself, your child got beaten up by a fourteen years old boy and you came here to defend him, he is a bully who just got a taste of his own medicine. This isn't the the first time I have heard about him and his friends bulling other students but even when we report no one does anything and now you want justice... how about I bring this case to the court then we can get justice" She turned to the school head "how about I sue this school". Tamera shouted back. The man didn't know what to say after that.

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