Chapter 19: what happened to the forest ?

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    Turen was fighting a one eyed Aligyou demon beast. It was one of those demon beast that managed to get a breakthrough and hid themselves inside this forest. For a mortal to find them is the same as impossible but Turen wasn't a mortal so it wasn't hard for him to spot the demon beast with his divine senses.

     Turen was holding a saber and he was a close range fighter. It didn't take him more than a minute to kill that beast. Turen looked at it and continued his search. He could have asked a sentient demon beast if they had seen any of the spirit race he was looking for but unfortunately that can't happen because the demon beast inside the forest were all low levels, probably why the Culos organization didn't destroy them all because they don't pose any threat at all.

     The forest was thick. The tall trees canopying the place below, even during the day it was always shadowy and dark. The trees grow tall and sprawled several meters away from it trunk. The roots tangled on one another and leafs from the trees fell down littering the forest floor.

     There were normal animals that had adapted to the environment and conditions and do not need to cultivate. Their bodies has developed during the passage of time due to the lack of cultivation energy and has adopted the normal environment. Those were the common animals but getting to the core area of the forest things began to change.

    The forest was divided into several parts; the outta layer: that was where normal animals can be found also there are few weak demon beast hiding around the region, probably they could have been the sightings that were caught on cameral and reported by people over the years, animals are territorial by nature and because of this the forest span for many kilometers. Then there was the middle section of the forest: this part if the forest holds on the slightly powerful demon beast. There are few normal animals living there, weird phenomenons occur around this region.

    Finally was the core region; it consists of the inner core sector and outer sector. The strong rules here. At that moment Turen was already in the outer sector of the core region. This was where the spirit race he was looking for could be found. They were not that powerful but their abilities made up for that gap in them.

     Turen has inspected everything around there as nothing in this forest could pose him threat, they were not that strong. He decided to enter into the inner core after confirming that there was nothing important to him in the outer sector. As he crossed the boundary he noticed something moving at a frightening speed. Turen became alerted.

    "What was that ? That speed shouldn't be what one can find here in this kind of forest" Turen knew what ever that was was most likely in the same realm as him was. But that won't make sense to him, the higher ups came some weeks back according to Otenel the old man Turen spoke to before entering the forest, they captured all the stronger demon beast and also the spirit race. Then if that was the case how come there seemed to be some kind of creature; hell ! He wasn't even sure if that was a demon beast or not, he didn't expect to see something as fast as that in such a low level forest.

    He pondered over it, there was only to things he could think of — one, Otenel lied to him about the clearing by the higher ups so he could come here and face them. But that didn't make any sense to Turen. Why would Otenel want him dead ?. No doubt he could stand his ground against whatever that was but if it turns out that there were more than one then he would really have to reconsider his stand again.

    The second speculation was that whatever that was, it most likely was put there by the higher ups. But why ? Why will they put that here ? What reasons or did they know that he was coming here or who he was. Still that doesn't seemed like it. If they knew he was coming into this forest then they would have ambushed him and take him to the Culos organization, that is if they have connection there.

    The thing that flashed when he entered the inner core appeared far away from him so his divine senses couldn't reach where it was. Turen decided to ignore it, it could just be some special race ability or he might have over exaggerated the matter.

    The creature was a demon beast, a weird looking one at that. It had a blue fur covering it back and it claws were as sharp as a blade. It expression darkened as it looked at Turens direction then flashed away.

     As Turen walked along the thick dark forest,It was day time but the forest was dark, he sensed something was wrong and he stopped. He had not seen one demon beast apart from the one that flashed passed him when he first arrived there.

    Normally the demon beast there was stronger but they were also few in numbers, even at that he should have bumped into one or two after all he had walked a few kilometers already but still no sign at all. This made him perturbed a little. The place became silent than usual and all he could hear was the sound of the waving trees, the cracking sound made from the leaf he stepped on. The eerie environment made him uncomfortable but the fact his divine senses could go far was a relief,at least a sneak attack would be useless against him.

    He could hear his footsteps as he walked. He didn't take him long to arrive at the territory that belongs to the spirit race he was looking for. The place was deserted,he could have gotten there earlier but he took his time so as not to miss any clue just in case. The o
Place had little hill by the side and several trees of same size around. He looked around but couldn't find demon beast there.

     It was strange from it looks, in a normal circumstance this place was supposed to have a new owner now. But nothing loving except for the plants could be found. The trees waved left and right following the direction of the wind. He went to the hill and just below it was a small hole. He used his divine senses to penetrate the hole and brought out what looked like an old claw. Most likely the old claw made that hole.

  "What's this ?" He looked at it but couldn't recognized any demon beast with such claws. He kept it back and left the area. "It seems all the demon beast were captured by the higher ups".

   He was now far from the hill and was leisurely. He stopped all of a sudden and looked down, just on the ground was a footprint that seemed new. He examined it closely and confirmed that it belongs to a demon beast. He raised his guard high and held his saber on his hands.

      The place he was,was where the beast with blue fur was standing before. He felt like something was watching him from the shadow but he was confident in his reaction towards any attack, he had his divine senses spread out as wild as possible.

      Turen stopped and slashed his saber in the air, right there and then two claws fell down on the floor both sliced into two half. Turen noticed them when they entered his perception, he quickly counteracted.

    Right where the claws came from a blue  fur looking demon beast. It stated deadly at Turen and flashed away again.

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