Chapter 16: "don't tell me you are gay"

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      After Jaxon left Turen or Mr Blackwood's house,the man look at him through the window and thought to himself "How come he has a soul clipper and he knows without having a dour consequences following."

   He shook his head and went to the wall earlier. He looked at it "they did open it but didn't take any. This is a earth level formation, even an E realm cultivator should have problems with this but not only did he open it he also did it with ease even without cultivation ". He looked at the direction Jaxon went and sighted. "Could he be hiding his cultivation?".
     He washed the thought away from his head, that wasn't possible. Even so he would have noticed and they truly were mortals nothing more to that.
    Mr Blackwood left there and wore a black shirt, he locked his door and ran out of his house. He boarded a taxi that gave him a ride to a little town just at the periphery end of the city. The ran at full speed after arriving there.

     Showing the speed of a C realm cultivator. He ran towards the tip end of the town and then stopped at an old building. Immediately he entered into it a voice came from one of the room.

   "Little Turen, what brings you to this old man's home today ?" An old horsey voice came room the inner chamber.

   "Senior Otenel, I need to meet with the spirit you told me of". The man's name was obviously Otenel and the fact he referred to Turen as little shows the difference in cultivation and age between them.

   "Don't tell me you are still on with finding Culos organization ? With your current strength you will be trashed by them within seconds, I hope you are aware" Otenel said without coming outside.

   "It doesn't matter, what matters is to find my family" Turen was determined.

  "Haha my little Turen, tell me what really brings you here and don't go on with you meeting that spirit because is almost same to impossible". Otenel laughed and there was a cracking sound from the room he was.

   "Fine, the things is that I found a soul clipper early this evening" Turen said taking his sit.

   The old Otenel came out immediately. He was old and skinny, his finger tips are strangely longer than normal and he was very tall. He stared at Turen for a second before recovering back.

   "Where ?" Otenel interest got piqued.

    "The soul clipper is attached to the soul of one of my students, the unbelievable part was that the boy knows about it and also there doesn't seem to be any drawback to their host and parasitic relationship" Turen explained.

   "Is that even possible ? Where is this child ?" Otenel became curious.

   "He's still inside the city and before you ask, no he is not a cultivator but his knowledge about cultivation is vast. Both the soul clipper and the boy seemed to be living together cooperatively" Turen adjust his hands.

   "I don't know why a soul clipper appeared here but I'm sure it won't take the higher ups few days to come find the boy" Otenel relaxed.

  "That's why I'm here, I need to get them before they do" Turen finally stated his reasons.

   "You want to kidnap the boy ?" This time Otenel was surprised.

   "You got me wrong, I just need to attache a tracking device on them. I believe that once the higher ups come to get him they are most likely connected to the Culos organization and knows about their hiding place" Turen said and continued " that is why I need to meet this spirit, it race tracking ability is beyond expertise, he is my best shot to not being exposed".

    "No doubt, but I'm not sure you will be meeting that spirit any time soon" Otenel said pointing to the window. "The last of them was captured by the higher ups few weeks ago"

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