Chapter 18: Green lay low, blue attack, Red goodnight

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    "What are you up to Jax ?" Lee Jaxon's father asked. The boy has refused schooling and now skipped classes upon classes doing nothing.

    "Schooling is not what you think it is Dad" Jaxon replied without paying attention to his father.

    "What do you mean by that ?" Lee was not in a good mood after hearing that.

   "I mean school is nothing but a tool of distraction" Jaxon was adamant.

Lee sighted after hearing that. He thought the boy probably got the wrong idea from all those shit stuff online "listen to me son, in your father and believe me. This world we live in is dangerous and can kill if one doesn't have the necessary knowledge which school has to offer".

   "Dad, this world is controlled by the strong" Jaxon voiced in disagreement.

    "Yes and to get strong you need power and money which can easily be gotten from education" Lee smiled at him thinking they were now on the same page.

   "No dad !" Jaxon shook his head in disagreement again. "All one need is strength which is gotten from cultivating" Jaxon told him.

   "To cultivate a good studying habit" Lee smiled "that is a good point Jax, you will do well".

  Jaxon heard that and shook his head. He kept quite. He wasn't in a mood to push this any longer. He was trying to spend quality time with his parents.

   Jaxon left there and went to his room to talk with Jack "what else we will be needing,I've gathered enough money that we last us for few weeks if not month on food."

     "Once you start cultivating you already know food will begin to lost it value for you and you will be needing it only when necessarily needed". Said Jack laughing.

   That was true. Cultivators with high enough cultivation can go hundreds if not thousands of years without food. They can feed with the energy they cultivate. While lower realms cultivators can also do same just that one a more lower pace. It varies with the cultivation realm the cultivator is.

     Of course, Jaxon had Jack's memories so he understood all this already. He just wasn't used to know that he won't have to be eating thrice on one day.

     "Don't you think it will be smarter to see what that next mission is before going" Jaxon asked.

    Jack pondered over it for a while and nodded. They access the system quickly. The voice came in immediately after that.

   [ new mission available. Do you want to accept it ? ].

   They glanced at each other and nodded. "Yes"

   [ Yakkurite and the host should be aware that the mission is considered dangerous. Risk of death is elevated. Do you still want to accept].

    This time Jaxon began to reconsider his decisions, Jack smirked after hearing that he said "perfect path of a cultivator" then he looked at Jaxon "what are you contemplating about ? Are you afraid of a little risk ? The path we are about to take will be filled to the brim with life and death situations, so get use to it".

    "I should get used to life and death situations ? Which normal human we see danger and still go ahead, it is clear the chances of us dying while completing this mission is high so we should just ignore it" Jaxon was Jaxon, doesn't matter if he was improving from his clumsiness and awkward behavior to that of a cultivator. Even if he became a cultivator he won't put his life on the line for stuff like that, not like he trusted the system too. He only trusted Jack because he has all his memories in .

    "Do you think where we are going is a play ground. Who knows we might both die. If you keep that stupid attitude of yours after becoming a cultivator, then I won't be surprised if you die but just don't bring me with you. You should at least wait until I can separate my consciousness from your body" Jack warned coldly .

    Jaxon was taken aback. Doesn't that mean he might die sooner than others. Was this really the right thing to do ? He also noticed something else with the cold voice of Jack "You can separate your consciousness ? Then hell you, why haven't you done it all this while. Do you like inside my body ? Are you a pervert ?".

     Jack almost vomited blood hearing that "fuck you, pervert your ass. I don't have the necessary cultivation to do so. Why do you think I want to cultivate faster if not to get the fuck out of here. So you better cooperate and accept that damn mission now !".

    Jaxon narrowed his eyes. But the feeling of knowing that he can get rid of Jack soon was relieving already "at least I don't have to grow old with you, haha". He laughed.

   He accepted the mission too then the next message popped up [mission name: forest heart ].
It didn't stop there though;
[ mission requirement: Host should have a cultivation at least at the first realm, this will increase the chances of host survival ]
[ mission location: Utam Forest ]
[ mission hint: sightings of weird looking creatures are seen during the years in the Utam forest. But recently Green lay low, blue attack, Red good night ]
[ mission reward: 1000 ].
  [ warning this mission has a time limit. Once the host arrive at the mission location the time needed to complete the said mission will be given ].

      Jack had a weird expression "Green lay low, blue attack, and red good night. What does this even mean ?".

      Jaxon wasn't any better "I'm more concern about the Red, why is there a good night to it ?".

      "It is a hint so it should be something we should pay attention to" Jack suggested.
      "If it is the colors, then of what ? Demon beast or plants" Jaxon asked very worried.

     "Does it even matter ? We will find out once we get there,so no need to be worried" Jack wasn't worried.

    "As if it is that hard to ignore, you ain't the one who will be in danger after all. You only help me out for ten minutes only so I'm the one here in mortal danger, so why shouldn't I be worried ?" Jaxon stated his worried.

     Jack looked away "what are you talking about ? You die I die too so I will do whatever I can to save your ass out there. Not like I care if you die but for my sake I will".

       "Whatever. At least the point is twice the other mission. So Jack we should get over with this cultivation shit first" Jack picked up the map and draw some lines while circling a particular part. He then used his phone to zoom the place from his own map on phone. "This point suits our need, the connection with the city is very low. So the chances of us been found will be low".

      "Serves right, let make this quick okay ?" Said Jack.

    "Sure when do you think we leave ? You know once we get there our count down will begin and we still don't know what exactly we are looking for or what we are to do when we get there" Said Jack still going through his map to make sure.
    "In the next three days" Jack said without thinking.

  *Sight* "okay then I have things to get".

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