Chapter 72 - Let's Try It

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No wonder this child came up with the idea of trading rent for an entry-level cultivation method. If it weren't out of desperation, who would willingly give up their and their grandmother's last place of shelter?

Zhang Yiyi was not truly cold-hearted, and having experienced something similar with her own grandfather in her past life, she always had a soft spot for orphans and elderly people depending on each other. 

She waited for a moment and saw that Liuzi didn't dwell on his tragic background or try to gain sympathy. He wasn't trying to use his story to manipulate anyone, which made her nod in approval.

"My grandmother and I have discussed it. When Sister Han stays here, we will move to my friend's place. He lives alone, so there won't be any problems. In any case, my grandmother and I definitely won't disturb Sister Han."

As Liuzi spoke, his face turned red, worried that Zhang Yiyi would look down on him. 

Hearing this, Zhang Yiyi couldn't help but laugh. Everything had been taken care of—this kid was bold and efficient. In just half an hour, he had sorted everything out and was just waiting for her to agree. 

For someone so young, he was quite impressive. 

"So, you've decided for sure that you want to cultivate?" 

She didn't mind giving this child a chance, but she had to make things clear: "The path of cultivation isn't as wonderful as you might imagine. It's a difficult and bloody road of no return. You might spend your whole life stuck at the lowest level of Qi Refinement, unable to make any progress. And at any moment, without warning, you could lose your life, dying quietly and unnoticed."

Few who step into the world of cultivation ever achieve true success. The majority of cultivators live lives even worse than that of a simple, prosperous mortal. 

Dreams may be beautiful, but reality is cruel. Without a strong heart, it's better not to take this path at all. 

Zhang Yiyi's words exposed the most brutal side of the cultivation world, but Liuzi only frowned slightly. He showed no sign of retreating; instead, his resolve seemed to grow stronger.

"Even if it's like that, I'm willing!" 

Liuzi looked up at the sky above the small courtyard, his voice filled with determination. "If I don't cultivate, I could spend my entire life at the bottom, never able to rise. Anyone could crush me like an ant, without reason! If the worst outcome is the same, why not try? How do I know I can't live better if I don't make the effort? How can I change my and my grandmother's fate if I don't at least give it a shot?"

Zhang Yiyi was momentarily stunned, but then she smiled, looking at Liuzi with even more admiration. 

Yes, if the worst-case scenario is the same, then fight with everything you've got. 

No matter what, she truly liked the fierce determination in Liuzi—it resonated with her. 

"You know what your spiritual root is, right?"

After a brief pause, she spoke again, no longer intent on testing him further.

"Yes, I know, I know!" 

Liuzi, still a bit confused at first, quickly realized what she meant. Recognizing that there was hope, he hurriedly explained, "Last year, the City Lord's Manor was recruiting, and I went. They tested my spiritual roots on the spot. I have four roots—metal, wood, water, and fire. I wasn't selected, but the person testing said my wood root was slightly better than the others."

As he spoke, he held up his fingers to indicate "slightly better," clearly lacking confidence. 

Actually, according to the tester, his four roots were essentially trash for cultivation—hard and slow to progress. Otherwise, why would others with four roots get selected by the City Lord's Manor while he did not?

But Liuzi refused to give up. If the City Lord's Manor didn't want him, he would find his own way to cultivate. After all, the heavens would not close every door. 

He had spiritual roots, and having spiritual roots meant he could cultivate! 

With this belief, Liuzi had been preparing and seeking opportunities, and today, he finally encountered Zhang Yiyi, opening the door to the path of cultivation.

"Four roots, huh? They are indeed rather mixed."

Zhang Yiyi's spiritual sense scanned Liuzi's body several times, and she got a clear understanding of his condition.

Hearing this, Liuzi's expression dimmed. He worried that Zhang Yiyi would think too poorly of his roots and that he would lose this opportunity. 

But before he could plead, Zhang Yiyi's tone shifted, and she smiled, saying, "It's fine. I'm also a three-root cultivator, just slightly better than you. Since you've made up your mind, go forward with all your effort. How far you can go doesn't matter right now."

She then took out a cultivation manual from her storage bag and handed it to Liuzi. "Take this and work hard. You don't need to repay me with spirit stones. In the future, just help me run errands when I need it."

It was a gesture of goodwill. Zhang Yiyi was willing to give Liuzi a chance. How far he could go depended on his own fate.

In this world, there were always geniuses who perished early, but there were also ordinary people who rose against the odds. Nothing was ever absolute.

"You—you're really giving it to me?"

Liuzi held the long-desired cultivation manual with trembling hands, unable to believe it was real.

He had known Zhang Yiyi was more approachable than other cultivators, but he hadn't expected her to just hand it over so easily.

Not only that, but Liuzi also understood that the questions Zhang Yiyi asked earlier were meant to guide him. She had genuinely been looking out for him. 

Apart from his grandmother, no one had ever shown him such pure kindness and goodwill before. Zhang Yiyi instantly became one of the most respected and important people in his life, second only to his grandmother.

"Yes, it's yours now," Zhang Yiyi said, finally seeing the youthful expression that suited his age return to Liuzi's face. She laughed, "Don't worry, it's real—just a cultivation manual, after all."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Sister Han!"

Liuzi finally regained his composure, holding the manual tightly and bowing deeply to Zhang Yiyi.

To her, a simple manual was nothing, but to Liuzi, it was the most precious gift that would allow him to start his cultivation journey.

Zhang Yiyi graciously accepted his bow and instructed, "Take care of it and use it wisely. If you're capable, this manual can carry you to the Golden Core stage."

She had chosen this manual from a collection of spoils she had gathered. 

Back in the Luoxian River Mystic Realm, three rogue cultivators had ambushed her group, intending to rob them, but had ended up annihilated. 

The manual had belonged to one of them. Though it wasn't exceptional, it was far better than anything sold outside.

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