Dairy note #6

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Okay well mom is here and guess what happened today well here it goes. 

When I got to work I walked in early like I always do when nonother than Taylor walked in. 

"Hey babe what's up." He said as he walked in. 

"Don't call me that your parents can meet my mother but I was thinking about it and I could be arrested and so yeah I'm not going to be your girlfriend because I don't want to go to prison."

"PRISION!?!?" He basically screamed.

"Shut it I need to get ready for class and if anyone asked you where you were say I was turning in my paper which needs to be turned in." I said looking around.

"Okay here you go." He said giving me his paper. With that he walks out.

"I need Mrs. Clarkson to come to my office please." Said the intercom. Oh no. I thought as I walked to the office.

"Mrs. Clarkson sit right there please." Said the boss. I sat worried about what was about to happen.

"I have just got a call from a Juliet Clarkson who was asking for you. Why?" He asked he was very nice but at least it's not about Taylor.

"Well she is my mother and she wants to see what I do." I said very hopeful.

"Well she is on her way. You may leave." He said smiling a very fake smile.

"Okay thank you sir." I returned the smile.

I walk to my room and get the room ready for class.

*********Before Class*********

"Are you Mrs. Clarkson?" Said the office man I jumped. The B on Taylor's paper (would have a A if he had turned it in on time) looked like a D so I had to rewrite it.

"I am, you can call me Sara." I said nervous he was an older man with dark skin, and a fedora . He had the first real, ligidiment smile I have seen all day.

"Hello Sara my name is Edward, don't be scared I am the nicest out of all the people at my company."  He reassured me. When I was in highschool we had an inspection and my favorite teacher had been fired because well I think the man just hated him. I hope Edward is different from that man I had one year ago. 

"Okay I'm sorry I have lost a good teacher do to an inspection." I said honest.

"Well from the looks of it you will do just fine. You are already quite sweet and I have never had to give a bad inspection and I plan not to start today especially with such a kind girl." He said kindly. Not a fake kind either, it was very real.

"Okay thank you sir." I smiled.

"Okay your welcome I will see you after school." He smiled and tipped his hat to me. I smiled and he walked out.


"Sara weara!" Screamed my little Trevie Bear.

"Trevie Bear!" I screamed and hugged Trevor then mom walked in. I ran to her and gave her a big hug and she did the same.

"Wow it is a very nice school you were right Sara. I love you sweety you are turning out to be a beautiful woman." She smiled. I was so happy she was happy. Then the surprise walked in.

"You must be Sara. I am Luke." Then he kissed mom.

"M-m-mom d-do you w-w-want m-me to b-be happy for you two or did you think it was fine to just surprise me. With that." I said as I pointed to Luke.

"I did not te-" I cut her off.

"I have to get ready for class." I said then turned around. Everyone except Trevor walk out and Trevor sat in my chair.

Why? (A Magcon Fanfiction) ~On hold, from writers block~Where stories live. Discover now