Dairy note #8

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Ummm guys if you see a made up word the definition will be at the bottom. Okay??

Well I went to the doctor's office and this is what happened.

"Well you sadly have Egyptian sickness (I made it up, okay?), from your travels. When was it that you traveled to Egypt?" The doctor asked. I started to cry.

"A-a-about a m-month ago." I said thinking, it was fun. My school for my good grades and me graduating two years early, they would have sent me anywhere in the world. I choose Egypt because I wish too become an Egyptologist (someone who studies Egypt in case you did not know). 

"Well then that is exactly right. You have a choice to take care of the baby, you can put it up for adoption, or you can have an abortion." The doctor said. I do not believe in abortion its murder. I got myself into this mess, by traveling so the baby is mine and I will take care of it.

"Okay doctor there will be no abortion, I got myself into this mess by traveling, i will get myself out." I still was crying but I will support my child.

~~at the house~~

I opened the door and was surprised to see Cam, Tay, and Jace.

"What are you doing here? Well the two who are not Jace that is." I asked looking at everyone.

"Hey how is he welcomed and I'm not?" Tay asked, I laughed.

"He is my best friend, and I had told him were I live but I have not told you guys." I said bluntly. Everyone start laughing.

"Okay the reason we are here is because we were wondering why you left?" Tay asked, I looked down and had to bite back tears. 

"Are you guys familiar with Egyptian sickness?" I asked them as I sat on the couch.

"Yeah, I am." Jace told me, I smiled.

"So am I, Taylor?" Cam smiled.

"Umm... No." He said awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.

"That's fine, Egyptian sickness is were for some odd reason a woman can produce a child on her own." I looked down.

"You do not have Egyptian sickness do you? Because that would mean you are pregnant." Tay asked worried.

"I would be lying if I said no." I sadly told them. Jace came over and embraced me. Then we had a group hug.

"Okay, so you are having a child?" Taylor asked.

"Yes I'm sorry." I said. BTW when I say sorry it sound like sorey, lol. We all just hugged for a while until.

"Hey I have to go my mom wants to tell me something. Bye guys." Cameron said smiling.  Then he left, next came Jace so it was just me and Taylor. Taylor let go of me.

"I'm sorry but, I am breaking up with you to get with Aubrey." He said.

"W-w-what?" I said begging to cry again.

"Well... She is just really hot and well... you are not, and Aubrey well. You know is not afraid of me, you know in that way." He sighed.

"Wow do you really hate me that much I thought you loved me all those times you told me. you loved were those just useless lies to brake my heart to even more pieces?!" I screamed at him. He has just crushed me into, over 9,000 If you don't get that reference Google it pieces.

"I'm sorry okay..." He said.

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE, I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR STUPID FACE IN THIS HOUSE AGAIN!" I yelled at him and pointed at the door. He left without another word.

I can't believe he is dumping me for her. She went to my school and had like almost every guy in the school in her bed at least once, if you know what I mean.

We I'm just see how this week is going to go.


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