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Zaya in M/M.

Quinn and I were walking from journalism since I dont have anymore classes, he was walking me to my dorm. We were talking about basketball and other pointless things. It felt good to have a friend around here.

Suddenly, some thick brownskin chick came up to us and kissed him on the cheek. She was wearing a white bralette with a skirt that had a split on the left side. She looked sexy ass hell if you asked me.

"Uh hey wassup Amb, this is Zaya,Zaya this is Amber," Quinn said nervously.
"Hey!" She held out her hand for me to shake. She was really nice.
"Uh hey," I shook her hand and her and Quinn started talking about something. I looked like a fucking idiot just standing there.

"Zaya!" I heard a guy's voice behind me.
It was Travis, looking beautiful as ever. Okay, I need to stop, just met him.
"Hey," I literally started cheesing.

I looked over my shoulder to see Quinn looking at me while Amber talk her ass off. She seems so stuck up. Ugh.

"Hey, uh you got any plans Friday?"

"Hmm, that depends.. Why?" I asked in a playful tone. I honestly don't know where that came from I usually freak out if a guy asks me out.

He licked his lips (oooommmygawd) and laughed," I wanna take you out. "

"Kinda just met you an hour ago. How do I know you not trynna kidnap me?"

"You'll just have to find out."

Ohh my gawd guys im so sorry its super short but i needed to give you guys an update. I still dont have my laptop & i did this from my phone but its kinda difficult because im used to a laptop. But here's a short little update.

Amber? Who the hell is that?

Travis? Think him & Zaya should go out?

Stay tuned loves.

Shy Girl. [Quinn Cook]Where stories live. Discover now