the question we all ask.

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"You okay?" Quinn asked me.

"Okay? Hell no. Im fucked up."

"Everything is going to be okay."

"No it's not, I'm a freshman in college, I came here to get a degree not to get raped and get pregnant by my rapist. This is frustrating. All of my life the foster kids at the orphanage always said I would end up pregnant and have absolutely nothing done with my life. That turned out fairly correct. "

"I didn't know you were a foster kid..... but Zaya you can't let negativity get to you, you could do this. I have no doubt in my mind. You're strong. You're taking this whole trial and process well...-" I cut him off.

"Well?! You think I'm handling this well? Quinn I have nightmares everynight. Everytime I close my eyes, I see him! Fuck all that negativity bullshit. My whole life is negative, nothing good happens to me, nothing good will ever happen to me. Im pregnant with my rapist's baby. A BABY! I dont want a fucking kid, I can't take care of my damn self."

"I can't believe you. You. Out of all people should obviously know what the fuck it feels like to be abandoned and you're abandoning a baby that hasn't even been born. Its not the baby's fault. Its Travis's fault... Or Jaboray whatever the fuck his name is! He hurt you, not the muthafucking fetus thats inside of you!"
With that, he stormed out of the apartment, leaving me with my thoughts.

He was right. Everything he said but I just can't raise a baby. I can't. I want to put all of this behind me. Amd if I do have this baby, he/ she are going to remind me of that night. Of their .......

Father. This is probably the most selfish thing I've ever done but it's also better this way.

I started searching for the abortion center closest to Durham. And I found one. Woman's Choice of Raleigh. Its kind've far but I'll manage. So I gave them a call to schedule an appointment.


But its the best i can do right now. So much is going on. But i love you guys for sticking with me.

Love, Jasmine. :))))

Shy Girl. [Quinn Cook]Where stories live. Discover now