Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen (Seth POV)

My anger got the better of me as I attacked the man that had his hands around what belonged to me. Everything became a blur as I saw red and I didn't know what I was doing.

I was to absorbed in my action to realise that a couple of men lay around my feet with swollen eyes, bleeding lips ad deformed limbs.

Everyone from my family stood staring at me in shock as I pushed past everyone and back inside. I couldn't stay and realise the damage that I had done to those poor humans.

They were just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Guilt empowered my body as I saw a couple of the men get up out of the corner of my eye and they started to limp on fear. They bowed their heads at me

I slammed the entrance door as I ran through it. This was all my fault!

I had been way to protective of Ella and I realised that know but my emotions got the better of me and I had to let off steam.

No one followed me as they cared for the weak humans who I could have killed in an instant. I flinched at the thought.

Out of instinct I looked around for Ella but couldn't see her in sight. I knew I had gone overboard, how was she going to trust me now? Ella might have admitted that she does trust me and that it was only herself that she didn't trust but the 'it's me not you' act went over my head the moment that I attacked those men. Why would se want me of I could do that to her?

If I attacked Ella out of a moment of anger I would never be able to forgive myself. If I hurt her just like Sam did to Emily I wouldn't be able to see her again. I would make sure of it. Her safety meant everything to me.

I walked around the edge of the club to see if I could spot her. I needed to apologise for my behaviour.

A number of young woman in short dresses and low tops eyed me up as I passed but I ignored them. One of the girls had stopped me asking for a good time but I ignored her and carried on. I wanted my girl, my Ella.

It was then that I caught her scent by the male bathrooms. I stood outside the door waiting but she never appeared. Why would she be in their? I wondered.

I stepped through the wooden door and heard the noises.

I didn't blame her for not wanting me....

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