Chapter Thirty-Nine

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*Seth's Pov*

"What's going on?" I kept asking Carlisle as he checked over Ella. After she had passed out we gently moved her up into her bedroom but she had yet to move or wake. It had been two days.

"I really don't know Seth," Carlisle bowed his head in worry. "Her vitals are all fine from what I can see."

I couldn't stop passing the room nor could I leave her. My wolf kept howling in agony and my heart felt heavy. I walked over to her when Carlisle took a step back and gently sat on the corner of her bed and took her small hand in mine. It instantly calmed me a little. I couldn't help but study her face and body to see for any physical damage.

"She's changed a little," I admitted in confusion. Her checkbones were more defined and her hair had grown a little and as I looked down I noticed her breasts had gotten more fuller.

"What do you mean?" Carlisle came closer to study her.

"Its just little details of her face." I was not going to admit that I had noticed the breast change. "Look at her checkbones," I gently glided the tip of my finger against her check to show. "She looks older." I realised.

"She must be in her aging phase," Carlisle said knowingly and let out a sigh of relief. " She said it happened every ten years."

"But why is she not waking up." I was still worried for my Ella. I had not seen her smile or laugh in the last two days and I was getting more on edge each passing minute.

"I guess her body needs all the energy that it can get." Carlisle placed his hand on my shoulder and grasped a little. " She just needs time for her body to adjust. She'll be perfectly fine." He reassured me.

"Seth," I heard Edward call from the doorway in a gentle tone and my body tensed over Ella. "I'm sorry," He hushed out.

"She's not a slut," I spat out.

"I know that and I'm sorry my anger got the best of me." Edward apologised but it wasn't me who he needed to apologise to. Ella had felt so scared and weak as he shouted at her and I knew the words cut her like a knife. "I'll leave you with her but I really am sorry." He bowed his head and left.

I felt devastated, all I wanted was for my mate to be happy and safe, to forget about her past. All I could think of was how Edwards words would have damaged her more and made her more closed off from me. We had been doing so well together and she had been doing so so well with her family.

I lent down and kissed the top of her head gently "please wake up" I whispered in her ear before gently sliding down the side of her bed so I could lie down on the floor. I wouldn't let her hand leave mine as I tried to get some sleep.

*Ella's Pov*

My body felt numb as my eyes started to flutter open. The room was dark except for the single lamp that was on. I tried moving my feet slowly and then my legs and then my arms and neck. I felt stiff all over and it took me a while to get full feeling back.

"Seth," I gently whispered. My voice was hoarse and felt broken but he automatically came running through the door.

"Are you in any pain?" He quickly got to my side and started checking me over.

"Can I have a drink," I whispered and within seconds he had got me a glass of water.

Seth gently helped me to sit up and I just about managed to drink. The cold water was such a relief for my dry throat though it hurt to swallow.

"I've missed you," Seth gently lifted his hands up to my face and I rested in his arms. "I'm so glad you're awake." He smiled at me and I smiled back.

" Ella can you tell me what you remember." Carlisle asked and it was only at that point that I saw all my family huddled by the door. I smiled at all of them through groggy eyes.

"I remember everything." I looked over at Edward to see that he had his head down in shame. "Edward its okay, I know you said those things out of protection for your daughter, if my child survived I would have been the same." I admitted. "I just wanted Nessie to be safe."

"I do apologize." he spoke in a hushed tone

"Honestly it's fine." I nodded my head to him in encouragement and his body posture finally loosened up.

"So this is what happens when you age." My dad spoke to me while taking a step forward.

"Yeah. I lost track of the year's I'm sorry, if I remembered I would have said something." I apologized "Do I look any different?" I was always intrigued and excited to see the difference.

"Not much" Seth spoke. He wouldn't take his eyes off my face nor would he stop holding me. Not that I was complaining. "Your face has thinned out a little and your hair has grown. You still look as beautiful as always." He smiled at me and I smiled back. "I really had missed you." He bowed his head in sorrow.

"I'm sorry, I won't panic you like that again, I promise" I reached over and kissed his lips gently. I loved the sparkle that always floated between us. "Im going to loose my vampire traits for a few days," I told the family just so they knew I was delicate.

"That sucks." Emmett chuckled "I won't be able to throw you around for a while."

"Please don't." I chuckled back. I really did not want any more broken bones especially as I wouldn't heal fast.

"I'll keep you safe," Seth whispered in my ear and I squeezed his hand in gratitude.

"I really need a shower." I felt disgusting and sweaty and felt my teeth needed brushing. I hated being human.

"We'll leave you to it. Call me if you need any help." Carlisle said and then rest of the family said goodbye.

"Could you help me get up?" I asked Seth as I still felt weak and he quickly complied by gently sweeping me up of the bed in a firemans lift. I laughed at him. He was so sexy.

"I've missed you to." I said as I looked into his eyes and I reached my neck up for a kiss that lasted a while.

That night Seth bathed me and cooked me dinner and he wouldn't leave my side. I felt loved and cherished.

He showed how much he missed me physically and emotionally as he tasted every inch of my body while making love.

I truly felt at peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2016 ⏰

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