Chapter Thirty-Two

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Seth and I decided to fly out of America to London a week after I arrived. The week had gone incredibly fast and I now felt like I understood Seth more compared to when I arrived. We had spent every passing hour together doing different activities: swimming, running, walks along the beach and meals out with different memebers off the pack. Tonight was our last night and I knew we had to talk about a few things before going back to London.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me off of Emily's wooden floor, everyone was talking in different groups just like the first day I arrived. They all looked at us as Seth pulled me out of the house.

"Not to late, kids" Sue called from her postition on one of the sofas next to Charlie "This is your going away party after all," she smiled at us knowingly were Seth rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll have in back within the hour." I winked at her as Seth continued to pull me along and into the forest.

Sue was more than eager to let Seth go to London with me just like everyone else, I sometimes caught her close to tears at the departure of her only son but I think she really understood Seth's need to come home with me. Leah on the other hand was a different story. I had yet to hear her speak a word and each time I enetered the room she would flea.

"Sorry about my sister," Seth began while turning around to make sure I was able to jump over a fallen tree trunk. Our hands were still interlocked. "She's kind of anti-cullen," he chuckled under his breath.

"Anti-Cullen?" I chuckled with him "is there such a thing?" I tuned my head to look at his face as I couldn't stop looking at him. Seth was with me and I couldn't stop smiling.

"Apparently so," he looked over at me as he spoke and I blushed, he smirked as he caught me ogle eyeing him. "Though I think it's mainly the fact there vampires, it seems that she can't grasp the idea that some are good and only drink animal blood."

"So what does she think of her little brother dating one of them?" I asked with raised eyebrows, I kept the playful tone but I really did want to know. His family was important to him so it was important to me.

He shrugged "I don't know, I haven't had that much time to speak to her. I have been a little preoccupied," he admitted with a smile.

Guilt overwhelmed me as I realised that I had been keeping Seth all to myself. He stopped walking and I did to while biting my lip in guilt.

"I love being preoccupied by the way," he smirked at me and swooped in to kiss me on the check before i realised what he was going to do. I swooned and my legs turned to jelly.

"What were we talking about?" I asked innocently as we carried on walking through the forest.

He laughed freely and shook his head "it doesn't matter," he answered while carrying on with his laughter.

"Where are we going?" I realised that I was probably asking way to many questions.

"Your full of questions today," he called up in front of me as I had slowed down my pace after over heating from his cheeky kiss on my check. He had a great butt from this view. I fanned myself to stop the blush and from overheating.

Thank god Edward wasn't here to whiteness my thoughts.

"We are going to the cliff," I just about heard his voice over the sound of my heart pounding in my chest. I took a deep breath before replying.

"The cliff? So is it special or something because it has 'the' in front of it?" I was turing lamer by the minute, just shut your mouth Ella!

"I guess it's short of a tradition, the kids from la push normally hang around it in the day. We go cliff diving and just hang around up there." He told me while grabbing my hand and gently pulling me in front of him. Something told me it was for protection.

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