Chapter Three

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Chapter three

"You're quite an artist aren't you?" Jasper said making me jump, "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I did knock but you never answered so I came in to see if you were okay."

"Oh, I'm fine I was just day dreaming that’s all."

"What about" Dad said feeling interested.

"Everything," I said with a smile "Like my new room, how much my life has changed in just two days and you, my Dad." he smiled at the last part.

"You don't have to call me Dad if you don't want to, as it must be weird for you as you've never called anyone Dad before and I am sort of a stranger," Jasper explained.

"No it's fine, I want to call you Dad and you're not a stranger, I know about your life and you know about mine."

"Ok then. Um Jacob’s friends will be here soon and they’re wolves too so I just came to warn you about the smell." Dad joked, I laughed.

"Ok, thanks, when will they be here?" I asked.

"In about 45 minutes."

"I better go in the shower then." I said while walking into the luxurious bathroom that was attached to my room.

The hot water felt nice, I hadn't been in the shower for two days. Not that I need a shower every day, I got my cleanness from the vampire side of me. It still felt nice though. It made me relax from the busy two days I've had. Meeting my father, getting a family and moving out of the council flats and living in a three story mansion; life was beginning to feel right.

As I hopped out of the shower I wrapped the soft cotton towel around me and wrapped another towel around my wet hair. I walked out the bathroom and over to my wardrobe. As I opened the sliding doors I still couldn't believe my eyes. There were shelves upon shelves stocked full of designer cloths. I grabbed some blue skinny jeans that were folded up, a black t-shirt with grey print, a red checked shirt from the hangers, some military boots from the shoe rack and to complete the look I went over to the jewellery stand and put on my black necklace with a sandy coloured wolf dangling off it. After I finished getting dressed I blow dried my hair and jumped down the stairs. Everyone was sitting together cuddled up with their mates; they all looked so perfect together. Each pair was made for one another; like they couldn't live without one or the other. By this point I reached the couch and sat down next to Nessie who was sitting on Jacob’s lap.

"You will find someone." Edward said while staring at me. While everyone else kept looking between me and him looking confused.

"Get out of my head!" I shouted back at him.

"I'm just saying I felt the same way before I met Bella." Edward explained with an ear to ear grin on his face. Everyone was trying to hold back their laughter once he said that.

"I can't believe you just said that! And with my Dad in the room seriously Edward,"

"I'm just saying that you'll find someone soon."

"Well maybe, just maybe, I don't want to find someone. Maybe I don't want that sort of commitment. Maybe Edward, I'm scared, I'm scared deep down that she's going to come back and hurt the person I love just because he wanted to know a little bit about me. So just read my mind properly before you start saying things, all I thought was how happy everyone looked together, how perfect you are together!"

"Ell I'm sorry I never knew."

"Just leave it Edward." I shouted while running through the front door and out into the woods.

I wasn't as fast as vampires but still run faster than humans do. I could see a group of guys and a woman get out of a mini bus, they must be the wolves but I didn't care, I carried on running.

*Jasper’s point of view*

"Ell I'm sorry I never knew" Edward apologised.

I could feel the guilt coming off him.

"Just leave it Edward!" My little girl shouted while running through the front door, tears rolling down her face.

"I'll go after her." Edward said while trying to get to the front door but I blocked him.

"No you are not! You've done enough damage as it is." I shouted at him.

"Come on Jazz I've got to say sorry, she's in pieces out there."

"Yes she is and it's your entire fault, so let it be!"

"Boys stop this now" Carlisle demanded sternly "She needs to calm down and the wolves are here now so both of you stay here."

After Carlisle said that Sam came in first following Emily, Embry, Quill and then Brady but wasn't Seth coming? The other four wolves weren't shifting anymore says Jake as they wanted to get on with their lives.

Everyone greeted them, Jacob being first. We hadn't seen the wolves for five months as we moved away from Forks so people didn't notice that we don't grow older. I can honestly say that I have actually missed them and I could tell everyone else had from the vibes I was getting from all over the room. But I couldn't feel as happy as I thought I would be all I could think about was my daughter Ella. What did she mean by 'scared' why would she be scared? And why would she think her Mum was coming back? She's gone, long gone. But the thing that bugged me most was when she said 'And hurting the person I love just because he wanted to know just a little bit about me.' What did Ella mean by that? Had Sheila the girl I loved many years ago hurt or even murder our daughter's boyfriend? But she wouldn't would she? The girl I knew would never do a thing like that, but maybe I didn't know her at all as she did hit my daughter.

"Where's Seth?" Jacob asked Sam distracting me from my deep thoughts.

"Well umm... he ran after the girl that was running towards the woods." Sam replied

"What?" I asked

"We umm... we think... that he's imp... imprinted on Ella" Sam stuttered out.

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