Chapter One

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*50 years later

It’s the witch.

“I’m sorry for barging in here; it’s just my dog Rufus. He… he ran in here and-”

“It’s alright child, I’ve been waiting for you.” Waiting for me? She really is as crazy as they say.

“I’m not crazy child, just different.”

“How did you…” I stuttered.

“Don’t worry, I’ll teach you someday, but for now I want to show you something. Will you take a walk with me Henrietta?”

“How do you know my name?”

“…I’ve always known. Come along child.” I wasn’t sure if I should go with her, but as I stared into her moss green eyes I felt compelled to. I took a step forward and followed. She brought me to the back of her house which was filled with plants, and trees and flowers that were shaded in colors I didn’t even knew existed out a skittles bag.

In the middle of the garden was a medium size circle. I wonder why that’s there.

“Henrietta would you like me to show you a trick?” Trick?

“Listen I’m sorry but I don’t want anything to do with your hocus pocus bullsh-”

“It’s not Henrietta. It’s real, and to show you how real it is, explain to me how I know just by looking in your eyes the overflowing sadness you’re harboring. You feel different, you feel alone. You think you were a mistake when you were born. You think your family doesn’t love you because there all perfect and your not. You have no friends…”

“OK STOP!” I took a step back. How the hell did she know all that stuff? WITCH!

“I’m sorry if I made you upset. I just wanted to prove my point, but I’m positive you believe me now. So I’ll ask one more time. Do you want me to show you a trick?” What is it with her and this trick. What if she’s trying to put a spell or charm on me?

I looked at the witch and caught her watching me. She looked as stiff as a statue, but that’s not what surprised me. It was her eyes again. Somehow I knew she wasn’t trying to harm me. I took a step forward and without realization said “Show me.”

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