Chapter Nineteen

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Before we got back to the hotel I asked Ray to keep my little incident a secret from Micah. To say he would freak out would be an understatement.

At the hotel no one spoke a word, and by the time I knew it we were on our way.

The tension in the car was thick and palpable. 

As I looked out the window, at dreary clouds and endless rain I thought about Ashen. I wonder why we can’t tell him our names. Mary claims that if we do he’ll take our hearts. I think that’s highly unlikely.

“The portal should be around here somewhere.” Micah said. I snapped my head up. I can’t believe I slept through the whole ride. I didn’t even realize I fell asleep.

Micah pulled over ever so skillfully. One of these days I’ll ask him to teach me how to drive. Oh right, I almost forgot I won’t be coming back from this journey. Great job ruining your mood Henrietta. I rubbed my head.

Everyone exited the car. Micah and Eden took the lead, seeing as they’re the ones who actually know where the portal is.

“The portals just up ahead. Beware though; it’s kind of a rush when you go through.” Micah turned to me and held out his hand. I was still a little angry with him but I didn’t want to go through that thing myself. I feel like if I do I’ll be thrust into some other world. Silly I know.

I grabbed his hand and he squeezed it tight.

I felt someone take my other hand. It was Ray.

“Why don’t we all hold hands, so someone doesn’t get lost when we’re going through.” Ray said with a smirk that was obviously meant to irk Micah. Ray was successful.

Liza took Ray’s hand and Eden took hers.

“All right let’s do this.” I said. We took a step into it and that’s all I could remember before I felt a tingly sensation all over.

It was like someone was pulling me at light speed. What I was feeling was hot but cold at the same time. Suddenly I let go of Micah and grabbed my throat. I couldn’t breathe. I looked around and no one was there. Where did everyone go?

I felt myself about to collapse when I was thrust to a hard ground. I soon realized I was out the portal.

“Henrietta!” It was Micah.

As soon as I caught my breath I turned to him, and almost screamed.

“You never said we couldn’t breathe when we went in there!” He looked apologetic, but still I almost died. How could he forget such vital information?

“Shit Micah. Don’t hold on to information that could benefit my life.” I heard Ray chuckle.

“Wolfboy your definitely in the dog house now.” He said.

“Ray don’t egg him on.” I got up off the ground, and looked around.

Before I could say it Liza spoke up.

“It’s deserted.” We were in a town, or what used to be a town. I mean I didn’t even hear any freaken’ birds chirping or children screaming or even the sound of crickets.  I had a bad feeling.

“Let’s move.” Eden said. But before we could a voice broke the air.

“So where are yee’ travelers coming from, or better yet where are yee’ going.” As soon as I saw him I knew who he was.

It was Ashan. Just by the way his piercing green eyes looked at us I knew he was as evil as they come.

“What’s yee names.” He asked with a curious glare.

I saw Liza open her mouth to answer and before anyone knew what happened, I screamed “NO ONE TELL HIM YOUR NAME! If you do your heart will belong to him, and I mean it in literal terms.”

I heard Liza’s mouth snap shut.

“Ah so you’ve heard of me.” He was behind me in a flash. “Well good. I see you’ve been properly informed.”

His breath could kill a hundred cats.

I spun around.

“Listen, all we want from you is to show us to the heart or the war.” Ray said, blocking me from Ashan.

“Hmm, and what if I say no.” he said.

“Then we’ll go elsewhere.” Micah said.

“Well good luck. Look around do you see any people.” He started to laugh or something like that. It sounded so dreadful. “There are no people around because there all in hiding, no one will come to help you.”

It was then that I realized that it was Ashan’s help or no help at all.

“Will you help us Ashan?” I said while stepping out from Ray’s protection.

“For a price.” He said with a smile.

“What do you want? Money?” He started to circle us.

“Hmm, something more valuable. Something much more precious than money.”  He was starting to remind me of Rumpelstiltskin.  What is he gonna take my first born, I laughed inwardly.

“Not likely dear, baby’s aren’t my style… Anymore” He said. I clasped my hands over my mouth.

“How did you know that!” I yelled.

“Just a little trick I’ve acquired.” He was still walking around us.

“Ah, I think I’ve got it. What about that necklace you hold so dear Ms Elizabeth Marie John Taylor.” Ashan zeroed in on Liza. I swear I could hear her heart sink.

We all made a semi-circle around Liza. Blocking her from Ashan.

“How, how did you know my full name.” she stuttered. “No one’s knows my full name except my family.”

“Just a little trick I’ve acquired.” He said. “So that necklace. Give it up.”

“But my grandfather gave it to me before he died. You can’t.”

“Hand it over, child. Or you have no guide.”

I turned to Liza.

“You don’t have to give it to him Liza. We’ll find another way …” I said.

Liza was staring at the necklace and I knew she couldn’t give it up. It meant too much to her.

“Ashan were not giving you the-”

“Okay.” Liza said, cutting me off.

“Liza wait, think about this-” She was already headed to him. In a blink of an eye Ashan had the necklace in his hands.

“A deals a deal. Unfortunately I won’t be taking you on this journey.” Like hell he won’t.

Everyone started yelling.

“Pipe down children, I will be sending my pet Ringo. He will guide you.” We all watched as the bird landed perfectly on his arm. He whispered something to it, and the bird flew toward us.

“Hello my name is Ringo, I will be your guide.” All our mouths dropped.

“The bird is talking.” Liza whispered.

“Don’t worry you’ll get used to it.” Ringo said, and then flew up into the sky.

When I looked back around.  Ashan was gone.

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