Chapter Five

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“What happened back there?” Liza asked me about a million times. I really didn’t know how to answer her because I didn’t know myself.

“I don’t know, but I’m really tired so I’m going to take a nap.” I didn’t wait for her reply I just hopped in the bed and dozed off.

I woke up the next day with butterflies in my stomach. Today was going to be my first day. What if no one likes me or I become a loner? What if I have to go into the bathroom to eat my lunch? I was thrust out of my thinking when Liza threw a pillow at my head.

I grabbed it and gave her a WTF look.

“Get ready! We only have thirty minutes till first period!” Thirty minutes! I can’t be late on the first day.

Within the next twenty minutes, I bathed, got dressed and had an oatmeal bar. I was pretty impressed with myself for getting all that done in such a short time span.

“Let’s go!” she grabbed my hand and took off.

Once we reached our first period I stopped. I felt my chest tighten up. Was this my nerves? I was never one to get nervous at the first day of school, but for some reason the butterflies in my stomach were going rampant.

I sighed.

“Listen I don’t have first period with you unfortunately, but we have every other class together. I’ll see you later.” Liza said. I nodded and then she trotted off to her class.

I took a deep breath and entered the classroom. I walked in and quickly jumped in a seat, preferably to the back of the classroom. I looked around and only saw ten people, which were all witches.  At least I won’t be completely alone. I felt my heartbeat slow down a bit.

The bell was about to ring scheduling first period, when a crowd of ten walked in.

My heart beat sped up again. They were all werewolf’s.

In the front of all the people was the one and only Micah.

Once he caught my eyes I could see his stride falter a little and without warning he gave me the dirtiest look, and kept on moving.

What was that for? I rolled my eyes and placed them on my notebook. Once the bell rang our teacher Miss Swiss stood up and started speaking.

“Okay now as you all know The Order has put werewolf’s and witches together so we can all get along.” There were grunts all around the classroom. Miss Swiss continued “and due to this issue I have set up a workshop where I will pair up a wolf and a witch.”

“What?!?” Micah yelled. He stood up, and pushed his chair back.

“How can you do this? There repugnant. I didn’t leave my pack just to do a stupid workshop with some witch!” For some reason his eyes landed on me, and stayed there. I could feel the hatred and menace coming off him.

“Micah!” Miss Swiss yelled.  “Sit down! And because of your little outburst I will volunteer you first. Your partner will be Henrietta.” It was like the world stopped moving. Is she for real. Why me? I saw Micah open his mouth to protest when she cut him off. “That’s final! Now all you have to do for the project is learn about the other person. Their likes, dislikes, favorite food and so on. It will be due next Friday. And since today is Monday you have two weeks to get to know your partner.”

After she explained the details she continued with class by telling everyone else who they would be working with.

Micah turned to me and shot me another one of his ‘I hate you’ look.


Throughout the day I found out that he was in almost every class. The only class he wasn’t in was math and witches workshop.

It was the end of the day and I met up with Liza and Ray.

Every minute Ray got he flirted with me.

“Ray will you leave the girl alone! She’s way out of your league.” Liza said after decades of him asking me out.

“Relax Liza there’s enough for me to go around.”

“Ew! In your dreams lover boy.” Liza screamed. I started to laugh but went rigid when I felt a tingle down my spine. I turned around to find Micah walking straight towards us. I felt Ray tense up.

Once Micah reached us, he stopped and stared at me.

“We have a project. Let’s go.” He grabbed my hand and started to pull me away, but I felt Rays hands tighten around mine.

“She’s not going with you.” Ray said threw his teeth. Micah turned around and gave Ray the up and down glance.

“Of course she is. We have a project to do and I’m not going to fail.” I was now in the middle of them. They were about ready to rip each other’s head off.

“Ray its fine. We really do have a project.” I said trying to ease my hand out of his. “I’ll be fine.” I repeated.

I knew he still didn’t believe me, but for my sake he let me go. “If you’re not back by 7’Oclock I’ll assume he’s done something to you, and then I’ll come.” I nodded and I heard Micah give a snort. He grabbed my hand and started pulling me to his dorm. Once we were far enough away he dropped my hands.

He walked a good ten feet away from me.

Once we reached his dorm. He let me in then locked the door behind him. He walked over to a lamp and turned on the light. As soon as the light hit him I noticed how truly beautiful he was. Everything about him was magnificent.

The Twilight wolves didn’t do enough justice.

I looked up and saw him glaring at me.

“Are you going to stop checking me out? It’s annoying.”

“I was not.” I said with a blush rising to my cheeks.

“Sure whatever. Now I have a question for you. It’s been eating me alive for a while now.” I looked up at him skeptically. And I literally mean up. He was like a bean stalk. I would have to climb for miles before I saw his head.

“What is it?”

“How did you stop the fight yesterday?” I went silent for a minute.

“I don’t know-” In seconds he had me pinned to the wall. He roughly put my hands over my head.

“You’re lying. There’s no one on this planet that can stop me from a fight, but you did. Now how did you do it!” I looked into his eyes, and they were no longer blue, they were golden.

“I really don’t know.” I felt his hands tighten around mine. “You’re hurting me.”

“That’s the point.” He was pressing his body closer to mine.

“Stop…” without warning I felt the same power I felt yesterday. “I said you’re hurting me!” I pushed him with all the power I had and he went flying back into the wall. He hit it with a loud thump. There was a huge indent in where collided with wall.

I grabbed my school bag and ran out of his room. What is wrong with him? Liza was right he is definitely the number one witch hater.

Tomorrow morning I’ll request a new partner.

*** Had a severe case of Writers block ,but I think It's gone now.

Anywho hope you like this chapter. Vote/Comment/Fan/ or just do all three =)

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