Chapter Fourteen

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I wanted to leave Micah and his friend at home, but they insisted they tag along. They wanted to make sure we didn't leave them behind. I honestly didn't care, just as long as I didn't see or hear him. It would hurt too much.

It was about a quarter past midnight, when we started getting the circle ready. The first thing we did was make a circle out of salt, then Ray took it upon himself to chant the warding of evil spirits spell around it. He traced sigils in the air, and every time he did so, a light would appear and then disappear. Once he was done he stepped in the circle, and Liza did the same.

They were directly opposite each other. Now as for my part. I had to be in the center of the circle.

I had a knife in my right hand. In front of me, there was an ancient bowl, engraved with a different language I had no idea existed. I sighed inwardly.

On the outside I probably looked brave and ready to do this, but really on the inside I was scared shitless, excuse my french.

I gave both Ray and Liza a nod and they started the locating spell.

"Ram Sha Ka, Ram Sha Ka" over and over they repeated.

I opened my palm and drew the knife over it. I saw my blood drip into the bowl. For a second nothing happened then without warning there was a spark of blue light. I thought something went wrong so I tried to reach out to Ray and Liza but I felt myself slowly drifting away.

It felt as though someone was dragging my soul from my body. In a blink of an eye I was looking down on myself. I looked so lifeless, so empty. I looked around and saw Ray and Liza still chanting, but what surprised me the most was the expression on Micah's face.

He looked in pain. Even so, I was too preoccupied with being in the astral plane to worry about it.

Everything felt like I was in slow motion. I was a bit confused as to where to go but with in seconds it was like a strong drift was blowing me away. I didn't fight it, it felt ... right.

I floated by the town we were staying in, and past a few tress, when suddenly the wind stopped and I landed in front of an old but small victorian house.

I knew instantaneously that this was where Mary lived. I raised my hands to knock when the door flew open and out comes a bent over old woman.

"It's time." Is all she said.

"What do you mean?"

Looking into her worn out grey eyes she kind of reminded me of how ethereal, and otherworldly Rosa looked the first time I met her. Somehow I knew I could trust her.

"I can't say while your in the astral plane, there are too many ears but when you arrive in human form I'll explain everything." I opened my mouth to say something else but didn't let me.

"Here take this." She placed a pendant in my hand. "Keep it safe, now go. Your friends are worried." And like whiplash, I was being thrown through the air.

In seconds I saw my body, and without ease I was thrust into it. I blinked my eyes, and was suprised to find myself flat on my back.

When my eyes focused, the first thing I saw was Micah. I blinked my eyes a few more times to get them focused. I looked around and everyone's mouth was moving, but I couldn't understand what they were saying. They were incoherent, but like someone hit the play button, there voices all started rushing in.



"Henrietta!" I sat up, and Ray and Micah's hand shot out to help me, but like a reflex Micah pulled his hand back to his side.

Without warning Ray picked me up, and I swear I saw Micah's jaw tense up, but maybe I'm just seeing things. I mean I did just come back from the astral plane, my head's not focused. Ray ripped a piece of his shirt off and wrapped it around the palm of my hand.

"Ray I'm fine, you don't need to carry me." He shook his head.

"Are you kidding me! After I saw you collapse, your not walking anywhere." I sighed, no point in fighting him. I did feel a bit wore out so I rested my head in the crook of his neck, but before I did I heard the growl of an animal. I couldn't bother to look to see who or what made the sound. All I wanted to do was rest.

But before I did I enclosed my hand around the pendant, surprised that it was even there, and wished for a safe journey for what's to come next.

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