Chapter Eight

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My head hurts.

I pried my eyes open. At first the light was blinding but as seconds passed my vision returned. I looked around. That's not my lamp, and that sure as hell isn't my TV.

I bolted up, but quickly knew that was a mistake. I grabbed my head. Seconds passed and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I flinched away.

"Relax, it's just me." I looked up at Micah.

"What's going on? Why am I here?" I looked up at him and he looked so tired. Although even in that state he couldn't possibly look any better.

"You fainted, so I brought you in my room." Everything started flooding back. I looked at him again, and his blue eyes looked like they were trying to decipher something. I bet he's regretting that he helped me.

"I thought you hated witches. Why help me out?" I asked him, while playing with thumb.

"Listen I'm not as cold hearted as you think. You helped me out by healing my arm, so I helped you out. Period."

"Oh." There was an awkward break.

"Well I'm fine now so I'll be going." I swung my feet off the bed and got out, only to start swaying. He placed his hands around my waist to steady me. I looked up and his eyes were so dark. Suddenly I realized we were all alone in his room.

I took a step out of his embrace and I swear I saw him frown.

"Thanks for helping me out, but I really should go. Liza's probably wondering where I am."

"No, you should stay." He said with a growl. He coughed. "I mean we haven't even finished our project and you still haven't told me why you were running away."

"But..." I looked at him and I saw something in his eyes. I sighed and agreed but I want going to tell him why I was running away. Talk about embarrassing.

"Okay, come into the living room." He led the way and I followed.

"Why don't you ask the questions now." He said staring at me. Surprised, I nodded.

"Okay what's your pack like?" I knew he would yell at me for asking, but I still wanted to know.

"There are a lot in my pack, lots of guys, and not enough women. I would die for them if the time came."

"Oh." I looked down surprised he even answered me.

"What about you. What's your family like?" he asked. I frowned a little.

"There fine. How old are you?" I looked down ready to write his answer.

"'There fine' is not an answer." Why does he want to know all of this?

I sighed.

"They're all pretty and pish posh, and I'm positive they hate me. If they ever found out I was a witch they'd probably disown me or just think I'm plain crazy." This I such a depressing subject for me.

"I think I'm ready to go now." I stood up, and so did he.


"No, I have to go now." I walked to the door and just barely turned the knob when I felt him behind me. I turned around.

He was so close. My heart started beating faster. He pushed me up against the wall, nose to nose. Oh great, this is going to be a rerun of last time.

"Listen Micah I can't take your witch hating abuse any more. If you get off me, I promise I'll leave you alone. Just don't hurt me." He leaned closer, and I shut my eyes. I felt something soft on my lips. I slowly opened my eyes, not believing what was happening.

Did I accidently put a love spell on him, because that has to be the only reason he's kissing me right now. I put my hands on his chest to push him off, but he only got closer.

My instincts took over and I grabbed his neck with both hands and pushed us together. He wrapped his hands around my waist. He's a great kisser! I still can't believe this is happening.

He started trailing kisses down my face then to my neck. I heard him growl, then I felt something sharp pierce my skin. My eyes darted open and I pushed him off with a strength I never knew I had.

"What are you doing!? Were you trying to hurt me?" I yelled. Here I was thinking we were having a romantic kiss. He was damned well trying to eat me.

"Listen it's not what you think-" I held up my hand.

"Of course it was. You tried to hurt me. How could I be so stupid?" I mumbled the last part tom myself. I turned around and bolted to the door. I grabbed to door, and for the love of god it wouldn't open. I looked up and saw his hands pressing the door closed.

I spun around. "Listen if you don't back the hell up I'm going to use my powers to-" I stopped speaking because he started laughing.

"What the hell are you laughing about!?"

"You! You're so cute when you're upset." What!

"Are you schizophrenic? Cause one minute you hate me and now..."

"No." he said sobering up. "I was marking you as mine."

"What! Marking me as yours! But you hate me..." I held my head. This is too confusing. He motioned for me to sit. I looked at him skeptically.

"Trust me I won't bite." he said and I followed him back to the couch.

"Okay, I bit you because I realized you were my mate." I opened my mouth but he raised his hands, silencing me.

"I realized when I saw you faint. Something in me changed and I knew you were the one." My head started spinning.

"This is a joke right." his face was deadly serious.

"I wouldn't joke about this Henrietta. When we were's find our mate, that's it. Forever." I was speechless. I stood up and so did he. He reached for me but I reclined.

"I need to go, so I could think about this okay." He nodded. Before I could exit his room he said "You know this means no more flirting with that witch boy. Your mine now." I quickly shut the door before I said anything I would regret.

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