Chapter 3.

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Pic of Damon to the side

Rena's POV

I gently opened my eyes to see I was still at a different packs house. The Shadowdawn Pack. I was laying right here. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Fear shrunk into my body, thinking it was Larson. No one opened the door.

I looked down to see that same man. He was laying on me! Did he fall asleep here with me?

Then, Damon yawned and rolled over on me. His head pressed against my stomach and his hand stayed wrapped around mine. I blushed. His hair was so silky smooth-looking. I lifted my hand and laid it on him daringly. I brought my fingers through his silky black hair and found myself liking doing so. He shifted for a second, making me release my hand and hold my breath. He stopped moving and so I laid my hand back on his head, rubbing his hair.

I heard a slow noise so I stopped and listened. I looked at Damon, who was . . . purring? He was purring in delight and satisfaction. Did wolves do that? Purr? His eyes squeezed, showing he was about to wake up. I panicked. I quickly threw my hand at my side and shut my eyes, making it look like I had been asleep the whole time.

I felt a weight lifted off my stomach and a yawn. I opened one of my eyes to see him stretching. I "woke up" and stared at him. I wanted to touch his abs so badly, feel his smooth and silky hair . . . kiss his . . .

'Woah! Slow down!!' My wolf howled, pulling me out of my thoughts. I blushed.

 It was a girl with long blonde hair. I pursed my lips in nervousness and shrunk back.

"Alpha." She said, acknowledging him.He nodded. She slowly walked over to me, making me nervous. I grabbed for Damon's arm, and finally caught it. He stared at me intently. Why did I do that? I retracted my hand from him, to which he seemed disappointed for a split-second.

"My name is Danica. I'm the pack doctor. What's your name?" She said as if I were stupid. I had been sleeping, I wasn't born yesterday!

"Rena." I replied, my eyes at the foot of the bed. Danica smiled and lifted the blanket to see my foot. I cringed as it brushed sideways.

"Well, your ankle is healing, but it'll take time. How are you feeling overall?" She asked.

"Fine." I replied, but I honestly wasn't fine. Not at all. I was still super tired, I was scared, my arms, legs and back were aching and I was thirsty. After being starved for years, you get into that little of food habit. So I'm not really hungry ever.

"Well, I made you some soup.'' Danica said before handing Damon a tray with water and a bowl of orange and brown soup. I looked at, wondering what kind it was and what it tasted like.

"Thank you." I whispered hoarsely. She smiled and took the IV out of my arm. I gasped as I saw a bit of blood. Danica reached into her pocket. She laid something over my arm that I recognized as a bandaid. She then did a few more little checkups before leaving.

I looked at the tray Damon set aside. "Can I have water?" I asked, seeing if it was ok. He smiled and handed me the bottle. I took it and gulped it all down within seconds.

"Want some of this soup?" He asked. I wrinkled my nose. "I'm not hungry." I replied. His face twisted.

"You look hungry." He said with determination.

"I'm not." I said innocently.

"Please . . . you need to eat. Please eat a little." he said. I said nothing.

"For me?" He asked again, mock smiling with a rapid blink of the eyes. I looked into his eyes and sighed. He got me, right then and there. He picked up the spoon, and lifted it to my mouth. I looked at and took one big bite of the soup. I swallowed and by then I was pretty full.

"One more." He urged. I sighed deeply before taking one more bite. I felt so full that I could upchuck.

"I'm really full." I whimpered. He smiled and put the tray down before climbing onto the bed with me. He lifted himself on his elbow and just stared at me.

"I-I-I Uh..... Hmmmmm. Hm. I uh.. " I said, not sure about really what to say. He chuckled, a sound that could've come from the angels above.

His hand grabbed mine and I took it, feeling sparks fly into my arm. I finally realized what my wolf had been talking about. He was my mate! I had finally found mine!

"Mates?" I asked to myself. Then I thought again. "I'm not supposed to have one." I added.

"Why not?" He asked, disapointment clouding his face.

"My pack says no one would ever want to be my mate and I'll never get one and . . . " I trailed off. Should I have told him that?

His eyes widened. "Your pack tells you these awful things?"

I looked away, there was no point lying now. "Yes." I replied dully.

He grabbed my chin and turned me to face him. My heart stopped and sparks were flying throughout my body. He inched closer to me, but I however was a nervous wreck. I felt my heartrace pick up and I got super tired. My head dropped and I sqeezed my eyes shut in pain.

"Are you ok?!" He shouted, clearly worried and rubbed my head.

"I'm just tired.'' I replied, before drifting off. I felt myself being scooted into something. I turned and saw Damon's face just a tad bit above me. His arm was wrapped protectively around me and his head was burried into my neck. I didn't have the energy to fight him. And so, I subjected myself to sleep.

Sorry it's a short chapter oopsD:

This is reconstruction just so you all know

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