Chapter 5.

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I'll try and update as much as possible! Thank you for reading and keep VOTEing :D

Pic of Aron to the side

Rena's POV~*~

The more I thought about it, the more I thought Damon was maybe angry at me. Was it because I lied?

I was sure he would have done it if it were him. There was a throbbing in my left eye, making me let go of his fur and grasp it to stop the pain. My own brother hit me. Brothers don't do that to sisters do they?

I put my attention back to Damon. I bit my sore lip in nervousness. We stopped as we came to the clearing of the forest to their pack house. Damon bent down and let me slide off. I got off and heard the crunching of the snow. I wanted to say something to Damon, but at the same time, I didn't. I was too nervous.

'Don't be a chicken.' My wolf told me.

'If anyone is a chicken, it's you.' I said to shut her up. I could feel the shock and hurt eminating from her. I had to push it aside. She was right though. I'd be just as a chicken with her if I didn't say anything. I slowly walked around to Damon's wolfen face, twiddling my fingers. I couldn't look into his eyes. I felt bad that I had lied to him. I should've stayed. He wouldn't have gotten involved, yet at the same time, his pack could've been hurt.

I looked everywhere but it eyes. The snow, the trees, his ears, his nose, his whiskers. Anything but his eyes. I was too ashamed. Too embarassed. I reached my hand out to his muzzle but he backed away, and turned his back to me before running into the forest. I felt a sorrow surge through my body.

Did he reject me? Just now? Did he finally realize that I was a waste of space?

Although he did, it still hurt. It hurt that for a moment I thought someone would love me and care for me. I didn't go to the house like how I probably should've. But I didn't want to make Damon even more upset. I trudged on, past the house. and into the other side of the forest. Tears streaked down my face and eventually they were followed by sobs.

I crossed my arms due to it being cold, and continued to cry as I walked deeper into the forest. I stopped once I tripped over a root.

"REALLY?!?!?!?!" I hissed at it before just plain out laying on the snow covered ground. For just one second, I believed this was all a nightmare. A crazy nightmare that I had grown up and that I'd wake up in my fathers arms. That I could hear my mother's soothing voice.

I opened my eyes and was still in the snow. I sat up and started to cry again.

I was now shaking but I felt a hand on my back, then I was pushed into a chest.

I looked up in surprise and saw Damon. I just looked at him with confused and desperate eyes. Was he goint to kill me now that I was rejected? The thought made me cringe.

"I'm sorry." He said before looking at me. "No, I'm sorry. I just . . he mind linked me and I didn't want anyone to get hurt and I-" I started.

Damon put his finger to my lips. " I was mad because I let you get hurt Rena. The more I thought about it the angrier I got, and I wasn't about to buck you off my back,'' He revealed. He brought his hand to my cheek and wiped away a silent tear. Relief filled me.

"You are my mate. You're mine to protect." He said protectively.

"You do care . ." I whispered to myself. He wasn't rejecting me, he was angry with himself. As much as I didn't like that he felt like that because of me, the smallest part of me felt happy. He smiled and grabbed my hand, leading us back through the snow ridden forest and to the pack house.

I walked in embarrassed and swiftly made it to the stairs. Damon quickly followed behind me. At the top, I opened his door and slowly made my way to his bed.

He sat down then led me to the bed. I stared at it, then I looked at him. I walked towards him and stood in front of him. He watched my every move.

"Thank you." I whispered. He smiled, got up, and put his hands on my face. I closed my eyes, enjoying his welcoming touch. Tingles and sparks were shooting up my face and into my body. My wolf howled in enjoyment, but I was too annoyed at her to listen to anything she had to say.

He neared my face and I neared his. As we were about to lip lock, the door opened to reveal Aron - his beta. Damon growled as he looked up. My face heated, so I merely turned to look at the floorboard like it was the most interesting thing ever.

"We have complaints from a neighboring pack." Aron said. Damon sighed.

"I'll be there in a sec." He said with annoyance in his voice. Aron nodded before walking out.

"I'm afraid I have to go. But Danica will be showing you around the town. Have you ever been before?" He asked. Glancing out the window, I shook my head. I never went into town before. Maybe when I was 7 or 6 when my parents were alive, but . . . now . .

"Well I have to go to a pack meeting. I'll see you in a bit angel." He said. His eyes lingered on my lips for a second or two, and for a second or two, I wanted them to do more than just linger.

He let out a small sigh before he turned and walked out of the room. I bit my lip, feeling alone. Well, I guess I could use a shower.

I smiled to myself as I stepped into the bathroom. He was so welcoming, and warm. I'd been so used to judgement and scorn being thrown at me from every direction. My short time staying here made my heart beat with the old ferocity it had when my parents were alive. I sighed. I had to remind myself not to get too used to it. No one knows as well as I do just how easy everything can change in a snap.

Chapters 1-5 are reconstructed. Everything else beyond this point is going to look weird. I'll construct the next 5-10 later tonight! Thank you!

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