Chapter 14.

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Constructed, please mind all the grammar mistakes in this chapter

Sorry I've been gone! I was in Hawaii for a week :D But I'm back now(((:

Gif of forest to the side!

qotd - fav band?

Damon, Aron and Danica continued to search the area for days for signs of the witch. Although the three were hopeful, I already knew it was useless. I knew that she had already left the day she stepped in when I got into that scrap with Zacariah. There were zero signs of the girl, nor did I feel her presence anymore.

Damon had his suspicions  about her. He believed she was most definitely working for either Larson or the government and would stop at nothing to get to me. Aron stayed open minded yet adamant on finding out what she wanted. Danica tagged along often, throwing in her smart and valuable opinions that lay open ended. As for me? While a part of me wanted to be on the attack with my mate, another part of me was incredibly hesitant. I can't help but think to the night where she killed Zacariah, and refused to hurt me. She had her chance, and didn't take it. Maybe because she didn't want to, or couldn't, I won't know for sure. 

Something about her just didn't seem like she'd go through extreme measures to kill me, unlike Larson. She protected me. If that didn't speak for much, what else would?

Right now, we were the only four who knew about her and Damon preferred to keep it that way. He says the pack doesn't need to be worrying about another species that could be trying to kill their future Luna. I however think it's best that they knew what was lurking about in the woods around them. What if someone sees her and kills her  because they feel threatened? I could only pray that the people in Damon's pack would have more sense than to just murder an individual out of fear. 

I stared out of the window of Damon's room. The three were out, all busy, leaving me with time to myself. I pulled my tan knit sweater tighter around my waist, and sipped my tea before setting it down on the window sill. The day was cold and stagnant, snow refusing to fall. 

I began to tap my foot, feeling impatient. I was frustrated with not knowing jack squat about this witch. Annoyed, I got up and headed downstairs to ease my mind. I wanted needed to get my mind off of everything, so I made my way the garage. No one questioned me though they did stare a little as I walked by.

I was usually accompanied by Damon or Danica, but since they were all out doing pointless searching, I was alone. It frustrated me that it seemed like I was so fragile that I needed a shadow wherever I went, and when the pack saw me walking down by myself they all seemed surprised, but refused to say a word about it.

Opening the garage door, I let myself in, hopped into a porche, and drove off.


I punched the bag once more, sweat dribbling down my glistening forhead. I'd been at the gym for about an hour, letting off steam. My stress still stayed with me, but made its way to the back of my mind. The red bag bobbed back and forth as my fists connected with it. Giving it another few good punches, I sat down, inhaling my water. I sighed and calmed my breathing.  My eyes traveled around the room at the other packmates using the gym.

Some were practicing on punching bags, others were lifting weights or running, while some fought each other in the small arena like areas. I bet they all had somewhat easier lives. 

I closed my eyes and fought my pang of envy and jealousy for the those around me.  What I'd give to have a normal life. A cold breeze brushed past my shoulder, causing me to open my eyes. I turned around to see one of the windows slightly open. The breeze picked up, making me shiver. I glanced around, noting that all the other windows were closed. I shrugged. Getting up, I walked towards it to close it. I reached for the window, and peeked out at the road and the snow covered forest beyond. The breeze stopped before it picked up once more, taking strands of my hair with it.

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