Chapter 9.

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Finally reconstructed! Here we go~ Holy shit balls I have 700 comments I think I'mma pass out

Thank you everyone for staying patient!!

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qotd: fave animal?

Gif of Danica's wolf to the sid

Rena's POV***

"Keep your fists up to block!" Danica said as she showed me. I frowned as I raised them higher so they were equal with my face. We were in the gym where the pack wolves sparred and trained. There were many different sections. There was a place for lifting weights, actual one on one contact with others, and even a room where you could even practice as wolves. Right now, I was in the one-on-one section with Danica as she taught me the basics.

Damon and her weren't kidding when they said it wouldn't be easy. These are the basics and I'm sweating buckets!

A fist to my stomach sent me falling backwards. I landed on my butt with an oomf. This was embarrassing.

"Your stance is off. Place your good foot in front, and and your other behind to give you balance. Elbows raised, yes like that," She said as I stood, struggling to get into position.

She had her hair in a pony tail, and there wasn't a hair out of sight. Unlike me, where as my hair was sticking out in all directions in its braid.

"I thought you were a pack doctor, not a fighter," I growled in exasperation as I jumped from her foot swiping underneath me. Finally, at least I could dodge something.

"Pack doctors need to know how to fight too. We can't just be little dandelions, putting band-aids on other people's scratches. When the pack has to fight or defend itself, everyone that has the ability to fight must chip in. Of course not children or elders. But I do more than save lives, I protect them," She said as she aimed for my stomach. I shrieked, turning my head and holding out my fist to stop the impact.

I waited for the collision, but it never came. I turned my head, opening one of my clenched eyes.

"Holy shit!" She exclaimed as she backed away. I turned to face her again to see her holding her hand in pain.

"Did we collide knuckles?" I asked, staring at my healthy hands. She groaned before rubbing hers.

"Yeah, don't you feel it? That hurt like a bitch. A fat bitch. Eating twinkies!" Danica said before examining the blood on her knuckles. Confusion and fear consumed me.

"Well I feel it, but, it doesn't hurt that bad. Sorry I messed up your hand. I-is something wrong with me? " I apologized, hoping she'd still be my friend.

"It's ok, but damn. Ok, I want to try something. But not on me. You've been ducking or at least trying to," She began with a laugh, making me frown, "but your punches from the look of it - are kick ass. So here's what I'm gonna do. Stay here!" She said, pointing to the mat beneath us. I nodded as she bounded of across mats and passed other sparrers. I fell to my butt, huffing.

I was exhausted. This was hard.

So far, I've done 350 sit ups - which took 45 minutes while it her at least five minutes. Then we did 40 push ups. We didn't do as many since my arms are still really weak and bony. We did 200 squats and wall sits for 15 minutes without stopping. This was only day 1 and we've been at it for hours. It was an understatement to say that I was exhausted.

It seemed so easy for Danica, and such a challenge for me. It was embarrassing to say in the least. But I'm glad she's not taking it easy. I want to prove that I could be just as good as other wolves.

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