Starting Out

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I remember making my account. It was super exciting! Finding this super cool site with people like made me so happy! I rushed right into to starting a book and making connections.

However, we all know it takes a long time to get started. I've been here almost a year! If you are reading this and are new to Wattpad, here are some of my top tips.

•Read and vote for good stories. You can even scout for the smaller book that haven't been discovered. I have several friends who had almost no views. Today they have almost 10 thousand!

•Communicate with people. It never hurts to get feedback. Make sure it's constructive! Hate comments won't help anyone get better.

•Check out the clubs. These are currently only on the website, but they are very helpful.

•Write your own story. It doesn't even have to be a traditional story. You could make covers, show your art, or have a rant book! ;)

•Personalize your profile. Get a profile pic and fill out the bio. Don't put out personal info!

•Posting your opinion on controversial subjects maybe isn't always the best idea. That's like holding up a sign to the haters and troll saying, "Easy target! Come and get it!"

•Be creative. New and fresh ideas can attract big crowds!

If you have tips for our new friends, post them in the comments! I'm sure they'd love a helping hand!



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