Story Covers

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You get up the guts to make your first story! Confidence flows through your veins, until the horrific words pop up; stories with covers stand out. Add a cover image from you device.

You panic. A cover?! This slipped your mind. Everybody judges a book by its cover! What if no one like it? Is your book even good?!

Fear not, friends! I myself have been in that position. I have had terrible covers myself. So, I will help you with your cover struggles.

•Don't have a cover without the title! The title is listed below, but your cover looks like crap. People may think you don't care to invest the time into your story.

•Do not screen shot a picture from Google, facebook, pintrest, etc. I have seen covers with part of the Google screen still in it! Put some effort in, please.

•Ask for help. There is a club on the website where people will make covers for you. This may be a help if this is your first book.

•Make the cover relevant. Don't make the cover with puppies playing if your story is about the zombie apocalypse.

•Make the title font and color readable. Cursive, yellow font normally doesn't show up on a light background.

•Don't sweat it! There are always people who will read your story despite a bad cover.

If you make covers, comments here. People who need covers, pick and choose!



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