Ugly Duckling, Beautiful Swan

81 10 2

Lots of us dream of having a head-to-toe makeover. This happens a lot in books. It's the geek-to-chic idea. But, just like many other things, gets annoying when overused.

The idea that you can whip off your nerdy glasses, and slapping makeup on your face makes all the guys want you is annoying. Personally, I only want a guy who loves me when I don't wear 292674930 pounds of makeup.

The main character us suddenly loved by all, and being pretty solves her life problems. Bro, please! If that were true, I'd be so carefree! Jk! Jk! I feel these stories support the idea that fitting society's standards will make you happy.

Fix the outbreak of geek-to-chic stories! #wattpadersunite



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