New Girl Syndrome

62 11 4

We've all read a new girl story. For this example, let's call her Lynn. Our story normally starts with Lynn waking up and getting ready for her first day of school. Before, she has always been the "nerd."

Lynn looks at herself in the mirror and describes herself in perfect detail. She has beautiful orbs* covered by glasses she may or may not need.

When Lynn gets to school, all the kids hang out in the parking lot. Why are they all in the parking lot? For no apparent reason, the crowd parts like the red sea, and Lynn gets pushed out into the middle by some jerk. However, Lynn hits what feels like a wall. It's the school bad boy/player.

Let's call the bad boy Scott. Everyone bows down to Scott despite his jerky attitude. He is a bully, sleeps with just any girl, and is always partying.

Lynn tells the reader she will never get involved with a bad boy.

Lo and behold, Scott is just misunderstood! Then, they date through highschool, get married, and have five bazillion kids, all of which are half boys and half girls.

I may have missed something, so post that in the comments! Can't wait to read your responses! This is another reason I find player/nerd stories boring.

*The first place I've ever seen orbs used to describe eyes was in a shakespere play. So, now you know.



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