Fighter part 1

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***Annie Pov***
"Gavin wait up." I said running to him. "I'm sorry, I didn't know. I really am. I just felt bad because I feel like I'm losing my parents love." Gavin said. I was shocked. "It's okay." I said then he hugged me.
Summer was over and I was pretty upset. School started tomorrow. I have never been to public school before. "Good night baby." Dad and mom said. "Good night mommy and daddy." I said. They closed my door and i was just laying in the dark. Thinking that I was going to be in 3rd grade. Wow.

"ANNIE WAKE UP!!!" Avia screamed. "FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!" Emmi screamed. "Haha." I said laughing. They left and got dressed (outfit on top) I went out to the kitchen had breakfast and brushed my teeth. "Excited?" Mom said. "Yeah! I can't wait!" I said. "Well you don't have to wait anymore the bus is here!" Mom screamed. "GUYS THE BUS!" Mom yelled. Just our luck it snowed last night. We ran to the bus and I fell. "Hahah." I laughed. I could see people laugh on the bus to. They are laughing with me. Not at me. I said to myself. We got on the bus and people pointed and laughed at me. "They adopted her! Haha loser." Someone said. "Yeah they adopted me. Duh." I said laughing. I sat next to Avia and someone took a picture of me. They edited the photo of me. With brown stuff on my leggings. "Who did this. Gavin?!" I said. "I don't know sorry." Gavin said. Well that ruined my day. We got off the bus and went inside. I went to my class and there were people in it. I sat down at my seat. I sat next to a girl. "Hi! I'm Taylor!" She said. "Hi, I'm Annie." I said. "I saw the picture that the person edited of you. Not cool." Taylor said. "What!? How many people have seen it?" I yelled. "well 30 people have liked it on Instagram." "INSTAGRAM!?" I yelled. "Annie! Sit down and be quite." The teacher yelled. People laughed. "Teacher I think she had am accident!" Some guy said. "I have not!" I yelled. "Guys! This is the first day. Calm down." The teacher said.
All day I didn't talk, people pointed laughed at me. I didn't say anything, I sat by self at lunch. I was walking back to the room when I noticed people taking pictures of me then laughing. I walked faster to class. We had 5 minutes till school was over. Taylor came up to me. "Annie, you should see this." She said. I grabbed her phone and I already had a hate Instagram. "Annie_is_so_dumb_12" I looked up at her and started crying. *ring ring* the bell rang and I ran to the bus. "Annie how did you like public school?" Avia said really loud. "She has never been to public school!? HAHAH" my bully said. I looked at her. And just got on the bus.

I looked on Instagram and my phone was blowing up with people tagging me in this account. "Annie_is_dumb_12" "oh no." I said. "Colette, please come here." I said. "Yes baby?" "I'm going to take it and say Annie did not have a good day today." I said "why do you say that?" She said. I showed her the page. And there was a picture of Annie with brown stuff on her pants. And there was a picture with red stuff on her pants. "Oh my gosh." We have to do something. I commented "this is Annie's dad. Please take this down. Cyber bulling is illegal. If I take this to the police you could be arrested." They replied with in two minutes. "What you gona do old man. You dnt know who I am. You arnt her rl dad. U stupid and ur wife is ugly." He commented back. Just then all of a sudden a bunch of hate comments came. 100 * refresh* 300 *refresh* 1,000 comments. I laughed.

The bus pulled up at our stop and I wiped my tears. My eyes were red my nose was red from crying. I ran up the hill and opened the door. "Hey baby." Mom said. She looked at me and I didn't look at her. I ran into my room and started crying even more. I decided not to talk anymore.

"BUTLER KIDS IN THE KITCHEN NOW!" All of them came in except Annie. "Who made the hate page?" I said firmly. "This kid named Haden Ace." "Thank you Avia." Colette said. "If this page isn't deleted tomorrow or they post more I'm going to the police." I look back at the post and there was a new picture of a blank white thing with a caption that said "hey guys. I'm very sorry, I knew she was adopted by the shaytards and that got me very jealous. I knew Annie when she was younger and we were in the same orphanage. Her parents were going to sit with me but instead they sat with Annie. I'm very sorry to @shaycarl for what I have done to Annie. I will not bully her." That made me smile. I commented "thank you young man. That must of taken a lot of confidence." I went to Annie's room to see her bawling her eyes out. "Annie want to talk about it?" I say. She writes down on paper "I'm not talking anymore." "Annie he apologized." I showed her the page and she smiled. "I'm still not talking." She wrote down. I walked out of her room and went to Colette. "She isn't talking." I said. "I don't want to send her back." Colette said. "We have to. She has to learn that you can't run away from your problems." I said. "Your right your right." Colette said hugging me.

***Annie Pov***
I woke up for school and got dressed. I walked out and mom and dad smiled at me and I was mad at them for making me go back to school. I grabbed my bag and went outside. "Annie wait up!" Emmi said. "What's wrong?" She said handing me paper and a pen. I wrote "I'm mad at mom and dad." I handed it back to her and walked to the bus stop. There was about 5 minutes until the bus comes. So I just sat there. The bus pulled up and and the rest of my family came running to the bus. I got on the bus and sat next to this girl in the front. "Hi!" She said I looked at her and she was perfect. I looked at her lips her eyes her hair it was perfect. "H-hi" I said. "What's up? Your part of the shaytards." and then I immediately hated her. She only let me sit next to her because my parents are shay and Colette. I just ignored her. The bus pulled up to the school and I was first off. I had no one. I ignored everyone. I went to first period, sat in my desk . "Hey watch this!" A kid said. Then he threw a paper ball at my head. I looked at him. "Haha, lesbian" he said. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. "Hahah she can't even speak!" I turned around and he kept throwing paper balls at my head. I turned back around. I held my fist up to him "ahh I'm so scared help!" Then he laughed. "Quinn and Annie enough!" The teacher yelled. "Yeah Annie. Go f**** yourself." Quinn said. I stood up and slapped him. "STOP!" I yelled. He stood up to. Before I knew it we were fighting. "ANNIE QUINN!!!!!" The teacher yelled pulling us off of eachother. "PRINCIPLES OFFICE NOW!" She yelled. We got to the office and the principle was waiting for us. She walked us back to her office and we sat in the chairs. "So what happened?" She said. "She slapped me then I beat her ass." Quinn said. "Annie?" She said. I didn't respond. "Annie? Would you like to speak?" She said. I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm going to have to suspend you both for 4 days. And call you parents. Annie I'm going to suspend you for 5 days for not talking." She said. "Whatever, your punishing me by making me not go to school. So bad. My mom won't care at all" Quinn said laughing. "Wait outside while I call you parents." We walked outside and my parents came first. Dad looked at me in disgust. "Annie." The principle said. "Thanks for coming." The principle said. "So what's going on?" Shay said. "Well today. Quinn was making fun of Annie, I have talked to other students and Quinn called her lesbian, told her to go f*ck her self. And I'm guessing Annie got sick of it and fought back. Violently. I'm suspending her for 5 days. One for the fight and an extra day for not talking." She said. "You can't suspend her for not talking. She has selective mutism. She chooses not to speak, it's her way to deal with her anxiety." Colette said. "Sorry ma'm it's already down. I'm going to need you to leave." The principle said.

We got up and left we got in the car and shay started yelling at me. "You can't get in fight because your mad. You can't do it! This is now on your permanent record! Which means you won't go to a good college! God I wish you-" I stared crying. "IM SORRY IM NOT PERFECT LIKE AVIA AND GAVIN!" I yelled I started crying even more, before I knew it I opened the car door, I undid my seat belt and jumped out. "ANNIE!" I heard someone scream.

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