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**Annie pov***

  "Come on Annie! Your going to miss tryouts!" Mom yelled from the garage. "Coming!"I Yelled back. I could not let Carmine get in my way. I gotta be happy sometimes. I ran down to the car and i jumped in. "Lets roll!" I smiled. Mom smiled back. I looked at my phone and looked at all my pictures they were all of me and Carmine. I started to tear up. "I could of saved him." I whispered. We pulled up and i got out. "Im so excited to see my old friends!" I yelled. I ran down to the field and my friends immediately looked at me "ANNIE!?!" My old friend Abby yelled. "ABBY!" I yelled I ran straight to her and we jumped into a hug. "I MISSED YOU!" she yelled. "ME TO!" i yelled. "your trying out for the team?" Abby said. "Yeah!" I said smiling and shaking my head. "COACH!" Abby yelled. My coach turned around. "ANNIE!?" She yelled. "Hi Coach Andy!" I smiled. She came to me and hugged me. "how is everything? What happened you stopped showing up." She said falling to her knees. "Well um i was taken away and put in an orphanage. Now im living with stars! They vlog there life." I smiled. "MOM!" I yelled. My mom came walking over and she smiled. "Mom this is coach andy she was there for me when i was being abused and stuff." I smiled. "Hi Andy! Im Colette Butler." My mom smiled. They shook hands and my mom walked to the sidelines. "OKAY LINE UP!" Andy yelled. 

  We had to do sit ups, push ups, run around, burpees, dribble the ball, chest stop, juggle the ball, quick stop, then we had to run in and out of cones. This is an elite team so you have to be good. 2 hours later and all these girls were panting and i was over here not out of breathe and i was sweating horribly. "Okay! Thanks to everyone who tried out, I have talked to the other coaches. We cannot pick, So Carmine Green and Annie butler come forward." Andy said. "Carmine?" i said looking down. I started to tear up. I wiped it away. "Okay! This is what i want you to do. Run a mile then at the end i want you to do 10 push ups, then juggle the ball with each foot 4 times in a row the make a goal." Andy said. "Yes Ma'm!" I yelled. "Okay ready? Its not a race!" "GO!" Andy yelled. Carmine was going slow on me. I pushed myself. I did the push ups and i started to get dizzy. "No, Annie! Stop!" I yelled at myself in my head. I ran and did the push ups then juggled the ball and then made a goal. I was done and Carmine was still doing push ups. "Carmine! Your done!" Andy yelled. "Annie! You made the team!" Andy yelled. "yay!" i smiled trying to focus on her. "I have your moms number and i will text her. We have a game next weekend and i want you to play. Practice Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Games every other weekend." Andy said. "Got it." I smiled. "GOOD JOB!!" Abby yelled. "Thanks!" I yelled. Then we hugged. "I gotta go! I have to go home." I smiled. I went to my mom and she high-fived me. "I made the team!" I yelled. Dancing around. We got in the car and drove home.

 "I MADE THE TEAM!" I yelled. "THATS AWESOME!" dad yelled vlogging. "Annie, Come here." Dad said waving his hand to the couch. I walked over and sat down mom sat down to. "Okay Annie, Carmines funeral is tomorrow. They were cleaning out his bedroom-" Dad said I cut him off "WHAT! THEY CANT DO THAT! THAT'S HIS STUFF!" I yelled starting to cry. "Annie, Calm down baby girl. They can do whatever they want." Dad said. "So anyways. They were cleaning out his bedroom and they found a letter. It basically explained why he killed himself. He said that he doesnt want you to be sad. He wants you to speak a his funeral." Dad said. "HOW can i not be sad! I lost my bestfriend! AND JASON ISNT SAFE IN THAT HOUSE!" I yelled. "Annie, They took Jason to his grandmothers. He is okay. Why dont you go a take a nap." Mom said. "okay." i said looking down. I took my cleats off and went to my room. I just started crying my eyes out. I got a piece of paper and wrote down what i was going to say. I picked out a picture of us and I cried even more. 


   My family was all quiet. We all were wearing black. I got the paper and the picture. "I have soccer practice tomorrow." I said. "thats true." mom said. "Its time to go." Mom said. Gavin put his arm around me and kissed my head. "Its okay annie. He is Happy now." Gavin said. "Thanks Gav i love you." "love you to shortie." He said. I giggled. We got in the car and dad turned on the camera. "Okay, you all know we lost a member of the family. We never told you who it was. It was Carmine. We are heading to his funeral right now." Dad vlogged i started crying. 

Wanted and Loved [ COMPLETED ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora