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**annie pov**
"Oh my gosh." I said crying.
"Mom I'm not pregnant." I said smiling. Then we hugged.
"DINNER!" Mom said in the intercom. I grabbed my phone and went to the kitchen, then sat down. "Pizza!!" Daxton yelled. I grabbed a slice and mom and dad were talking about upcoming plans. Then my phone goes off and everyone looks at me.
Blocked number: hey bitch. Kill yourself. Your so ugly I can't even. Sometimes I cry cause someone so ugly goes to my school.
"Annie you know the rules no phone at the table." Mom said. "I agree." I said putting my phone down. I started tearing up. 
* after dinner*
Me and Avia and Emmi and Daxton and Brock was sleeping. But we were in the basement playing wii. My phone started blowing up.
"See you tmr slut"
"PLEASE kill yoirself"
"Die bitch"
"I wish some1 would murder you."
This was a giant group chat with all blocked numbers.
"OMG guys did you see Annie with that guy?"
"Wasn't she dating someone like 2 days ago?"
"Guys she a slut I heard that she was raped so many time her whoo ha is so lose."
"She smeels so bad and fishy that girl need to learn how to shower"
"I'm pretty sure she has HIV or AIDS"
"I wouldn't be surprised."
"Dang she so fat. Omgg"
"Guys I found this photo of Annie SHE SENDS NUDES!"
She sent the photo.
"Dang Annie, your popular." Avia said. I couldn't. I grabbed my phone and ran upstairs past mom and dad into the bathroom. I closed the door and turned off the light and slid down the wall crying listening to the sound of my phone going off.
Now I'm apparently pregnant. I turned my flashlight on, on my phone and went under the sink and grabbed razors. I looked at the shiny metal I smiled at the thought of the
Blade cutting my skin. I was about to put the razor to my skin but then I stopped. "I can't." I said I put the razor in the toilet and flushed it, I felt my heart sink. I stood up and turned on the light. I looked at my swollen red eyes and make up running down my face. I washed my make up off my dad then washed my face. I walked out and mom was making dinner and dad was vlogging. I hid my face and walked out into my room. "Avia what are you doing?" I asked her. "I'm practicing lines so I can get the main part in a movie." She smiles proudly. "Your not the only one who can act in this family." She said smirking. "Haha." I said sarcastically. "When's the audition?" I asked. "Tomorrow morning. So I won't be at school." She said. School I totally forgot about that. "Nice, maybe I can go with you." I asked hoping she would let me. "I can't, they might see you and want you to be the part." She said. "Oh okay." I said. I then exited her room. I looked at emmi laughing. "What you laughing at silly?" I asked sitting next to here. "Your Instagram post." She laughed. "What I didn't post anything." I panicked. I grabbed her phone and there was a meme of me and then all the guys I dated in the past with their tounges sticking out licking my face. Saying "I'm desperate."
"Oh my gosh! SOMEONE HACKED MY ACCOUNT!" I yelled. Then her smile dropped. Then I started getting text messages. The hacker gave out my phone number.
"Oh no, the HACKER GAVE OUT MY NUMBER!" I yelled starting to cry. "Annie! Cody is here!" Dad yelled. I bolted upstairs and ran and jumped on him and wrapped my legs around him and started crying. "I saw what was on Instagram." He said. He kissed my cheek. Dad vlogged me jumping on him then turned it off. "What post?" He said. "Look for yourself." I said handing him my phone. "They gave out your number to!" He said. "I'm going to email Instagram right now!" He said angrily. I held Codys hand and we walked into my bedroom. "Do you know who would do this?" He said as we layed on the ground and I sat in between his legs playing with his fingers. "This girl named Heaven. She has been harassing me and she has a photo of me... And she is threatening to send it to everyone." I cried. "I'm so sorry." He said. Then we sat there in silence for a little bit. Before my phone went off.
"Hey slut, just letting you know that your insta was hacked, haha I wonder who hacked it. And your number to. Your so fat I would DIE if i were you. Well anyways gtg ttyl love ya"
I started tearing up then Cody stood up and took my phone. Then we started kissing. He picked me up and pushed me against the wall. I made sure to lock the door. It was a super deep passionate kiss. He started kissing my neck. Leaving a hickey. "I love you Annie. I really do." He smiled. "I love you to." I smiled. He started grabbing my breasts. "U-uh maybe you shouldn't." I said. "Oh okay, anything for you." He smiled. He put me down and we smiled. I opened my door and Brock was playing Mario kart. "Hey dude, can I join?" Cody asked. "Totally!" He smiled.
* next day*
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. "Great." I said. I got dressed, I put on black nike shorts and a pink oversized shirt with yeezys(shoes). I did my make up and straightend my hair.
*at school*
I held my bags close to my as I fumbled to opened my locked. I would turn around to see people staring at me. Then I felt hands on my waist. "Hey babe." It was Cody. "Cody!" I smiled then we kissed. "You don't even go here!" I said. "I know, I'm homeschooled so I thought I would join you today." He smiled. "We are going to get through this together." Then he held my hand and walked me to my first class. "I can't go in there so please don't cry. I'll be out here waiting." He kissed my forhead head.
* after school*
Today was a hard day, Cody had to leave the school or the school would call the police. girls would spit things in my hair or push my books out of my hands and laugh at me.
"So Annie how was your day?" Dad vlogged. "It was actually awesome!" I lied. He smiled. Avia was in the backseat. "Avia how was your audition?" I asked. "I KILLED IT! THEY SAID I WAS THE BEST" she basically yelled. I laughed.
*at home*
Dad changed my number and Instagram deleted my account. But Heaven found my number again. I got a text message "just remember the picture fatty.:)"
I was sitting on the couch with Avia and mom. I stated tearing up. "Annie?" Avia asked. "I-i can't." I got up and ran to my room. I locked my door and turned off the light. It was dark outside. I sat against the wall with my phone inc front of me going off.
"She's so ugly that's why her birthmom gave her up."
"Then killed herself."
"Man,' see that hickey on her neck? SLUT"
"I wonder who she had to pay to give her that."
"I heard she has sex atleast 4 times a night."
I couldn't take it. I just started sobbing, I looked at my razors and my pills. I grabbed the bottle when I heard "Annie, it's emmi. I love you. I'm always here. You can trust me, I w-won't tell anyone anything. Please open the door." She said with her small innocent voice. I opened the door and pulled her inside. She turned on the light and gasped. "I'm so ashamed with myself." I cried putting my knees to my chest. "We're you going to kill yourself?" She asked. I nodded. I could see that she started to tear up. "Why?" She asked in a raspy voice. "People photoshopped my face on a nude and people believe it. They said if I told anyone the would post it everywhere. They keep getting my number and they just bully me and harass me." I cried.
"I'm sorry. Maybe you should tell." She said. "I-I-I can't. She will kill me!" I said getting pale.
*emmi pov*
"I-I-I- can't. She will kill me!" Annie said getting pale. Her breathing started getting really fast and tears started streaming down her face. "Annie, stop your scaring me." I said scooting back. Annie stood up and put her hands on her head. I stood up but didn't move. "I hate this, I hate everyone, I hate living!" She mumbled. She then pushed everything off her dresser. "Annie!" I yelled. She went and punched her mirror. "Annie I'm sorry!" I yelled. I opened her door and ran out. "MOM! DAD!" I yelled running to there bedroom where they were doing laundry and dad was playing FIFA with Daxton. "ANNIE!" I yelled. Mom and Dad followed me to Annies room. "Annie?!" I yelled. I didn't see her in her room. "BATHROOM!" I yelled. I went to the door and heard her crying. "Annie! Open the door!" Dad yelled. We heard her go silent. "Shay! Open the door!" Mom yelled. Dad took his foot and slammed the door open. Mom gasped and grabbed me then covered my eyes. "Babe, go call 911!" dad yelled. Dad picked up Annie, she was passed out with blood running down her forehead and pills all over the floor.

HEY! It's Paige, wow it's been awhile, sorry I did this but I kinda had to. I have big plans for this. I'm currently writing another story but I'm writing a couple chapters cause idk if i wanna post it. Buuuut yeah i rlly like where this going. Anyways gtg ~Paige

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