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*Annie pov*

It's been a month and I can finally get this brace and stitches off and out.

I was in third block. "Loser." Somebody whispered in my ear. "Whatcha gonna do cripple?" He laughed. Just then I got a not saying my mom was here. "Sami help her go to the office, grab her stuff." The teacher smiled. Sami was my only friend besides Alice. Sami was a shy girl. She had long brown hair and glasses and she always wore run down clothing. I opened my wheel chair because I wasn't going to crutch all day. The teacher let me sit up front. O got in my chair and Sami started pushing me.

We were in the hallway and it was super quiet. "So, uh Sami. Do you want to come to my house sometime?" I asked. "Oh my gosh, really?! I have never been invited anywhere. I don't have very many friends." She said in a soft tone of voice. "Hey mom." I smiled then my mom signed me out and she wheeled me out. I hoped up in the front and mom put my wheel chair in the back.

  "So Annie are you ready?" The doctor said. Mom turned the camera off. I layed down and I held moms hand because I was kinda freaking out. "Annie you might feel something strange." The doctor laughed. The doctor took off my brace and bandage "everything looks normal!" He said as he started taking them out. I grabbed moms hand a squeezed it because it actually felt odd.

"All done!" He smiled. I looked at my knee and there was a scar. "Is that going to be there forever?" I asked. "Unfortunately yes, I'll be right back to take you. Back for X-Rays and maybe you'll need a full leg cast." He smiled then he left.

Mom pulled out the camera and started vlogging. "How was that?" She asked. "It felt so weird! The first stitch he took out actually hurt." "Awe, but the good news is he said everything look great! But she might need a full leg cast. Just to make sure everything stays in place." The me and mom frowned. Then the nurse came back in. "Okay, hop in this wheel chair so we can take you back." She smiled.

| done with X-Rays |

The doctor came in smiling. "Okay, so we found something the hospital people didn't, she has a fracture in her ankle. And we are going to put you in a full leg cast. It's will be for less then a month because it has already started healing. So I give it 4 weeks top. Now let's take off your other cast." He smiled.

| done |

I was in a wheel chair and I had a boot on my other leg. So it was removable. We had vidcon next weekend so I just have to survive until then, well considering it's the last day of school and I'll be in 10th grade.

| a week later cause I'm super bored and don't wanna write that |

"Annie! Wake up we got a plane to catch!" Emmi yelled. I yawned and got up and stood up and my foot in the cast didn't touch the floor. I changed into Nike shorts and a black crop top. I got my crutches and my backpack I shoved my phone and charger in my bag and I curled my hair and did my make up. That was hard but I did it.

I sat down and slowly made up my way up the stairs. "Annie! You made it!" Dad laughed. "My bag is downstairs, I can get it." I moaned. "No, Annie let me ." Mom smiled. "No! I can get it myself." I raised my voice. Then everyone went soft. I grabbed my crutches and went down the stairs. I went into my room and I tried to figure out a way to grab my suit case and I couldn't do it. I sat on my bed and started crying. I didn't want anyone to see me crying. I was frustrated.

"I couldn't get it can someone get it?" I said a little frustrated. "Sure baby. EVERYONE GO PILE INTO THE CAR!" Dad yelled. I crutched into the garage and got in the car and I was getting frustrated everyone was doing everything for me. For some people that would be a dream, but not for me. I like doing things for myself.

I put my head down so no one could see it. I started tearing up. "ON ARE WAY TO VIDCON!" Dad yelled while mom vlogged and everyone yelled.

We arrived to the airport and mom got my wheel chair out and I sat down. Dad started to unload everything. "Annie baby, are you okay?" Mom said getting in her knees. "Well, uh no-" then I got interrupted by Avia as she grabbed mom screaming "let's go!" And then mom kissed me and started pushing me. We got through everything and I needed a pat down for my cast. To be honest I felt very uncomfortable because it was a guy giving me a pat down.

We got to the gate and we got to get on the plane first. I sat next to Avia and Dad. And behind us was Brock, Daxton and Mom we had an open seat. I went in my phone and listened to music.

"Annie! Wake up were about to land." Avia said shaking me. I woke up to the rude landing.

We got off the plane first and it was a pain with my cast. "SUNNNY CALIFORNIA! LET VIDCON BEGIN!" Dad yelled vlogging and emmi pushed me. We got to our rental car and got in it. "You guys up for food?" Dad asked. Everybody yelled yes. "Whatever." I said trying not to cry but in a bratty tone of voice.

"Annie what's with the sour attitude." Dad smirked. "We're in California. Be happy will you?" Dad vlogged. "Can you not vlog that!" I raised my voice. I was aggravated with my cast that I couldn't run down the walking escalator with my family and I couldn't go to the bathroom with out mom. My feet hurt and I just wanted to lay down

"Fine princess." Dad laughed. We got to the apartment and I remember Carmine. So to add thing to my amount of stress and pain.

I got to my room that I share with Avia. Emmi has gavins old room because she won the thumb wrestling competition.

"Who wants to go the beach?!" Mom vlogged coming into our room. "GET IN YOUR SWIMMING SUITS!" Dad yelled. I got my swim suit out of my suit case as Avia changed. Avia changed in 10 seconds flat while I was still struggling to take of my pants. I was in my sports bra and I saw my cuts but they healed.

I groaned in frustration. "I can't fucking do it!" I raised my voice. "Woah calm down. I'll get mom." Avia laughed. "Don't! I can do it myself." I raised my voice. She put her hands up and left. It took me 20 minutes but I did it myself. I had black bikini bottoms on and pink bikini top.

I grabbed my crutches and went out of the room. "I'm ready." I moaned, still trying to cry. "We have to put a plastic bag so you don't get water or sand on both your feet." Mom said grabbing two clear small trash bags.

We got in the car and drove to the beach. We got out but I sat in the front so mom could put the bags on my feet. The beach is my favorite place to be. Well I love the water more. Tomorrow we have a Q&A . I crutches over to the side walk to where the sand was. Everyone one was in front of me so I stood there I tried to go in the sand but it put so much weight on my crutch.

I sat down on the wall and started crying. Then mom ran over. "Babe, why are you crying?" She asked sitting next to me.

"Have you looked around!? I can't do anything with out anyone's help! I can't walk across the beach!" I raised my voice. "I know babe, it's hard. But Come one happiness is a choice." Mom said patting my back. Mom squatted down so I could get on her back.

"Thanks mom. I love you."

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