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Just so everyone's aware, I'm going to be on vacation starting Friday. I have to go to a wedding in Kentucky (my first wedding! Woo! And from what I've heard the bride's brother is cute! Double woo!) and then we're going to Washington, D.C. for my birthday (it's July 20th, if you were wondering).


Happy early birthday to me
Happy early birthday to me
Happy early birthday, happy early birthday
Happy early (16th!!) birthday to me!
*jazz hands*

Yeah. That happened. You're welcome.

And to ride everyone over until I'm back (I know, I know, I'll be missed by many, but it won't be that long and I'll go right back to not updating and annoying everyone, blah, blah, blah... XD), in the media section, there's a picture of my kitten, Obi-Wan (yep). We got her about 2 weeks ago, and she's utterly insane. She's tried to climb (or actually climbed) on almost every single piece of furniture we have, including latching onto the front of my stationary fan.

While it was going.


So I hope everyone enjoys their vacation from me, and have a good day/week/whatever! :)


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