Zero Effort Required

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I've found while being on Wattpad for (what day is it again? XD) a few months(?), that my effort level has drastically decreased. 

For example, when I first was shown Wattpad, I was like, "HOLY FLIPPING CRAP THIS THING. IT'S FANTASTIC." I started writing 6 books. At one time. I then published The Raven Chronicles, and then this thingy. My books were getting some attention, which made me feel even more fabulous than normal. :) Anyways, I started getting.... well... lazy. I kept putting off updating The Raven Chronicles because of: lack of ideas, not liking where I was going with it, being upset at that it wasn't getting tons of attention, (hmm.. I wonder why.) but mostly just general lack of effort. 

If I graphed my effort level form when I started until now, it would be like this:

First little while: ALL THE EFFORT

A few months in: effort decreasing a bit

Now: effort level is somewhere around -5000 or so.

So yep. Just needed to say all of that for some strange reason.


P.S.- yes, I those books are still in my works, but I have no plans to publish them anytime soon. So thanks, -5000 effort level! >:P

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